
I know I have a ghost and I'm looking for some answers, can anyone help.?

by  |  earlier

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Paranormal investigators, medium, psychics anyone?




  1. I'll help if I can - feel free to email.

    What do you want to do - Investigate it, Understand it, kick it out?

  2. Here are a few answers for you: Yes, no and maybe.

  3. I'm a medium. I'll try to help if I can. You can email me with questions if you like.  

  4. Some of the answers to your question have been answered by the following people posting here. There are a few things you need to answer before someone can offer you help or guidence. Here is a short list of possible things that you may be dealing with:

    1.  A "ghost" is  simply playing out the same scene over and over and has no real life force, more or less a groove in time. It does not even know you are there and does not interact with you.  Not all "ghost" are visible.  You may be interacting with it through your other senses...visual, hearing strange noises, strange smells not associated with you or your family, Tactile, meaning touch or sudden cold or hot areas in your house.

    2.  A  "spirit" is the actual presence or soul of an individual who has remained behind in this world after his or her death.  No one knows why this happens, but some believe that a spirit may have unfinished business to solve, a message to relay, a soilder who has died in battle and may to realize he is dead.  Just examples!  This type can and will interact with you.  It may need your help?

    3. A "poltergeists" (German for "noisy ghost") may appear to be the same as the top two, but this is not the case.  This type is usally centered around one person, usually a child or adolescent.  That person is the epicenter for the activity.  When that person is away things may seem normal, but when that person is home then things may heat up and you may notice things missing or loud noises such  as knocking or rappings.

    4. Then there is the "entities."  With this type you need to use your judgement and feelings.  Ask yourself if what you are feeling is good or evil?  There are two types of entities; Angelic or Demonic.  I think you can use your own judgement here.  One is good and may be a messenger or protector and well the other is out to cause havoc.  This is not very common and usually is invivted in by trickery with the use of Ouija boards.  Be careful if you choose to use one, you may bring them in to your life by opening up the door for them.

    I hope this helps you determine what you may be dealing with.  Of course there could be a natural explaination for what you are experiencing.  Weather, bad pipes in your house making noise, high electric field energy in your home or property, etc... Good Luck!

    FIPES Member

    (Firefighters Investigating Paranormal Events Society)

  5. Can you give some details on what you believe is a haunting?

    And are you prepared to accept that you may not have a haunting at all?

  6. Where are you located? What state? We are a group of Professional Paranormal Researchers who can help if you are local. If not, we can refer you to some other professional group. We are in Florida.

  7. It sounds like since you know you have a ghost, you've been living with it for some time. If the ghost hasn't made an attempt to contact your or make itself know then chances are it's living it's own life in what it thinks to be its own time. Take some pictures around the house, see if anything shows up, also get a voice recorder and ask so questions to see if you get some answers. Let us know how it turns out.

  8. You'll have to contact the investigators in your area, they are the only ones that can help.

  9. you could try turning on a tape recorder and asking questions then play it back and see if you get any answers.

  10. i'm an easy probably can't help at all

  11. How do you "know" you have a ghost?

    (You seem so certain it can't be anything else)

    Certainly there might be something causing "strange" things in your home, but why jump to the ghost conclusion?

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