
I know I love him ... so why am I so stressed about our engagment party?

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My fiancé proposed to me 2 months ago. both families know and they're very happy. We're having the official engagement party in 3 hours, and I feel like I'm crawling out of my skin. I am so stressed out and i don't know why? is this a bad omen? Thanks for your help xoxo




  1. I don't think this is a bad omen if you know you love him and you want to be with him forever I think this is just you being nervous. Maybe your nervous to be together with all of his family plus yours and probably friends as well. I know I love my fiance as well however my stomach definetly turns when i know there is a big family get together coming, they are very judgemental people. however I know this has nothing to do with my fiance.  

  2. Have you been drinking too much?  If so, stop drinking.  

    And, if you are that stressed out, then tell your fiance that you have to postpone the wedding until you are ready.  he will understand, I am sure.

  3. Have you ever had anxiety before, about any social situation?  I know that it doesn't matter how excited I am, I also get a panic attack simply because of the unknown, especially if it involves people I don't really know.

    If that's the case for you, I'm not sure what you can do about other than to acknowledge the feeling for what it is, and know you feel sick because of anxiety, not because it's a bad omen, or you don't really love your fiance, or anything like that.

    Good luck, and enjoy this majorly short period of time you can say, "I'm engaged!!"

  4. drink some water, deep breaths, and say to yourself it will be a great time. I you know his family and friends then you dont have anything to worry bout.. just have fun

  5. anxiety.. totally normal.   try to relax, inhale-exhale..  You'll be fine.

  6. You're stressed because this is a big deal, and that's ok! Are you nervous that friends or other family members will ask awkward questions like, "Getting married so soon? Are you sure he's the one?", ect.

    Go in the other room and take a breath. You just want everything to be perfect and it will be. Everyone gets nervous when it comes to various wedding events, it's understandable!

    You love each other! So go relax before people get there, tell your man that you love him and that he'd better be by your side when that crazy aunt/grandma/brother-in-law comes to say congrats lol =)

    Good luck and congratulations!

  7. Yeesh. Alright buddy, I can totally relate to how you're feeling. I just got engaged to my boyfriend in June of this year, and we've been going out for more than 3 years. Although I knew that I loved him, and that we were really good together, I felt a lot of stress and craziness too.

    You haven't mentioned how old you are, what you're doing in your life right now (as in whether you feel like you're actually stable in life, or still trying to find yourself).

    You're probably feeling the stress because

    a) You're not used to the fact that you're engaged. It's a big leap from being a single person to being someone who is half-married. But if you're sure that this is the right person for you, and you're in love with him/her, then don't worry about making the leap. It's gonna work out perfectly.

    b) You're not sure about your relationship with him/her. Are there problems between you and your partner? Are you having doubts about whether he/she is the right person for you?

    c) You're not used to having a party about something that really is a very big step in anyone's life. You're promising to marry someone in front of your entire family. That's enough to scare the strongest, fearless people in the world. Lol!

    d) You've got the jitters because you've got stage-fright, or are just nervous about the whole thing. Was it your idea to have the party or someone else's? Is it a big party or a small one?

    There's nothing wrong with feeling a little bit of anxiety, and nervousness before confirming your engagement and commitment to the one you love in front of your families. It's totally normal. It's not an omen UNLESS...

    You have serious doubts about your relationship with the person you're committed to.

    And if there are no doubts, then don't worry about the nervousness.

    Just remember that this is the person you truly love, and would like to spend the rest of your life with, and the rest of it is...*shrug*... the side-dish to your main entree. Lol! Sorry, couldn't think of a good analogy.

    Just take a deep breath (or two), and keep your eyes on the prize: him/her! If he/she is worth it, then the rest of it won't matter. :-)

    Take care, and good luck!

  8. This is normal and natural.  It's one thing to accept a proposal, and another thing altogether to put yourselves on display at an "official" engagement party.  

    I got married two weeks ago and spent my whole wedding day on the verge of tears.  I couldn't eat, I kept having anxiety attacks, etc.  It wasn't because I doubted whether or not I was doing the right thing - it was my body's way of naturally monitoring my stress levels.  It's like performing on stage - if you aren't nervous there's something seriously wrong.

  9. No its just a mix of excitement and the whole engaged thing is probably now just settling in.  Take it easy, have a good time and see how the night goes before jumping to any conclusions.  

  10. If you are this nervous now, what are you going to feel like as the wedding gets closer.

    Maybe this is a sign you aren't ready to get married yet.

  11. It is probably just the last minute jitters. Don't worry everyone gets them. Good Luck.

  12. Are you usually shy or introvert? I always get a bit uncomfortable at parties because I'm kind of shy, and I don't really enjoy answering all kinds of stupid questions.

    Plus, engagements are stressful. It's a good type of stress, but it's still stress.

    It's not a bad omen, it's just stress creeping up on you.  

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