
I know I said I wouldn't ask anymore questions, but???

by  |  earlier

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I'm in a scare right now. I've started to feel like I did when I was pregnant with my children. I bought a test but I'm not going to take it until tomorrow morning. We didn't plan on having anymore kids and we have been using the "pull out" method and condoms because I can't take hormonal BC due to medical reasons (it plays havoc with my body). I wanted to ask everyone to keep their fingers crossed that I'm not pregnant right now. Would you do that for me?




  1. Don't worry too much until you know for sure. Not all good things in life are planned. My first (twins) were not planned and I got through it.

    I'll cross my fingers that you aren't but remember if you are, it will work out. It's funny because we are done having kids, my youngest is 8 and my husband had a vasectomy and even though I am totally content with my 4 boys, everytime I am a couple days late for my period as much as I freak that the vasectomy didn't work, I also secretly think it would be nice to have another. Shhhhh don't tell my husband I said that LOL

  2. if you didn't use a condom even though he pulled out b4 he ''came''. You could get pregnant by pre-***  

  3. i have heard chances are lower of getting preg. if you are breast feeding, kinda like natural birthcontrol, do you get your period when you breast feed i never did till i stoppped breast feeding for good?

  4. Gladly. Chances are you're not preggo, it's your body making you feel that way (like the placebo effect) because you think you might be :D Good luck.

  5. I will keep my fingers crossed. I know you wouldn't have an abortion you have other children good luck.

  6. I'll cross my fingers for you but just remember that everthing happens for reason ~ maybe a lil one would be a wonderful blessing!

  7. I agree with Zaza (again).  You're's all good.

    I got pregnant with my fifth child when number four was only five months old.  We were using the same method you said, but one time he didn't do what he was supposed to!! :-)   He had just came back from a four month long deployment and know the rest.

    Don't sweat it, it's not a bad thing.

    ********IMPORTANT NOTE****************

    I was also breastfeeding her (#4) at the time.

    (just thought I'd throw that out there)

  8. I understand. I will cross my fingers for you.

  9. If you don't want any more children and you can't take birth control, sounds like time for hubby to make a doctor's appointment!  A minor procedure, and it's all taken care of.

    You probably don't want to hear this but, I did get pregnant while breastfeeding.  

    I'll pray that you are just feeling the effects for someone else, someone who has been trying to have a baby for a long time!  

  10. You aren't irresponsible! Things happen. I will cross my fingers, but let's remember everything happens for a reason! Right?

  11. You are a married women in a stable is that irresponsible. I hope you were not referring to my question earlier today.........that question was more for unmarried, single people who have unprotected s*x, get pregnant while in unstable relationships or by the guy of the week.

    In my opinion, when you are married, having unprotected s*x is not irresponsible, it is a choice made by two committed people. chances......yes.

  12. As long as you are not going to have an abortion (not that I am totally against them but in this situation I would be) if you are pregnant, then noone can really can you irresponsible. You are an adult in a stable relationship. You knew the risks when you have s*x without a condom and you will be responsible for your actions even if you really don't want another child just now. If you are pregnant, I am sure you will love the baby just like your other children. But I will keep my fingers crossed for you

  13. Sure, I can cross my fingers.  But we  had one unplanned little girl just shortly after our 3rd was born and we are so grateful for her; she has really brought a light into our lives that we didn't have before.  Everything happens for a reason.

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