
I know I’ve left this a bit late…but parallel parking?

by Guest10933  |  earlier

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My driving test is tomorrow. I know the 4 steps of parallel parking but has anyone got any tips? Like what to do when the car your doing it against is bigger than the car your doing it in? Where are your reference points? Someone must be able to help me lo…also reversing round a corner...hmm another tough one, please help.




  1. When you reverse into the space, line up the offside side of your car with the nearside corner of the car behind.

    When reversing around a corner, it helps to know where your rear wheel is.

  2. 1 thing to remember and that hand over hand when your parking and dont forget your turn signal, like for instance your parking on the right, put your right signal on.

  3. You get it right with practice, so yes it's a bit late.  You start the manoeuvre with the back of your car lined up with the back of the vehicle you want to park behind.  It doesn't matter whether you're parking behind a container lorry or a smart car, all that's important is where it ends.

  4. look i want to tell you that bigger cars are a bit slower than the small ones so dont worry you just trust yourself and you wil get it right

  5. Parallel parking - try to get the boot of your car lined up with the one you are parking behind.

    Reversing around a corner - I always kept the edge of the pavement in sight.

  6. Have a look at  the answer on this question regarding 1-2-1..........

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