
I know a blonde guy called riley who is a d**k, what should i do about him?

by  |  earlier

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i know someone who is a d**k, what should i do?




  1. Did you try punching him in the scrote?

  2. I have a few friends who might want to stick him in their hoohahs... maybe they'll come volunteer.

  3. Tell him what he is... If you want to do the nice way, and not hurt the dude's feelings, tell him your taken  or something, and he probably will leave you alone. If you ignore him, and don't talk to him, he will leave you alone, and get the hints.

  4. If you think that, leave him alone and dont talk to him etc... =\

  5. kick his a** and send him flying up. what say.. give him a barefeet kick

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