
I know a lot of children are not back at school yet but here in Scotland?

by  |  earlier

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The schools are back. My next door neighbour's little girl...first day a school...hands on hips head to one side and looking so fed up ...shouts at me."Do you know none of the boys in my class will do as I tell them" unquote...Ha ha, her wee face was a study. Any first day at school funny stories you'd like to share with us please?.




  1. i ent gone back yet  

  2. Hi!  I sure do wish I could hear you actually say what you wrote.  I'm trying to imagine your accent and I know I would love it. My little guy just went back to school on  Monday(here in California) No cute funny stories except his "new best friend" is a girl.  

    Cheers to you in Scotland from California!!!  : )

  3. Don't go bck 2 sixth form till 4th September in my school in South Wales. Wow another full week off school then bck to do AS and A levels

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