
I know a right lazy cow who's been on incapacity benefit for at least 20 years?

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for having... wait for it.....

Irritable Bowel Syndrome! lol.. What sort of jobs could she do?

I guess toilet attendant would be a good one. She has NEVER done a days work (apart from office cleaning cash in hand obviously) in her life.

What do you think?




  1. when you look at what some of our non invited guests get rewarded with and your own kids having to leave there birth place cos of cost i can see why some think what they do the way the economy is you just might be joining them all them with time on there hands using company computors for this may get a shock

    edit lets play you tell me your job and then i say mine how many do you see saying got to go to work now and in five minutes the alter persona arrives just wondered

  2. Phhhttt. Irritable Bowel Syndrome...

    If you get the right doctor you can get them to sign their lives away. Honestly, so many are over worked and just want you out of their office - especially if you bring your stool in a jar for them to look at.

  3. I know it too. In fact, a fire inspector in Boston was just sent back to work. He got found out by competing in a body building contest. His doctor said that he didn't know even though the guy went to him 13 times. Unfortunately, there is a rumor in my extended family that one relative claimed disability and when it was time for retirement, she was all better. I saw that part for myself. Suspicious, don't you think?

    That jerk fire inspector was collecting $68,000 a year tax-free. He wasn't working. Can you find a better gig? I'm surprised but not surprised that MA taxpayers aren't outraged or maybe they are just tired because fraud is so widespread here. I support programs like these but fraud irks me too. We need to do more to combat it. It's theft and these thieves need to be forced back to work and not receive any benefits so people who really need it are able to get the help they need.

    Until people start complaining loudly out in the open, it will never change. So many people have become complacent or feel it's someone else's job to do something or feel like their voice means nothing. It snowballs. You want change then you need to stand up and get everyone you know to stand up with you and to get more people to stand up. Enough is enough. I work very hard for what I have. I shouldn't have to pay for someone that isn't worthy of anything because they are liars and cheaters without remorse.

  4. It's hard to judge how bad some peoples conditions are if you don't have it yourself

    Plus there are varying levels of severity too

    A friend of mine has Crohns disease as well as IBS, she works but is pretty much in hospital every few months with a serious flare up

    My cousin on the other hand has IBS and it hardly affects her at all

    My point is we are all different

    just because one persons medical condition is mild doesn't mean another persons will be the same

  5. blame the so-called government the are all sucking useless Tories as well

  6. the benefits system in the UK is laughable...

    there should be a 2 year limit on benefits if you haven't found a job by then you don't get any cash

    real cases are easy to spot... and anyone who has a "bad back" can still find certain jobs to do

  7. She needs reporting f***y. This is an outrage.

  8. is that person you f***y lol

  9. I always tell people who believe they have evidence of fraud that it's their duty to report it.  You must have evidence, though!  You should be able to provide pictures of her working or some other evidence.  Once you have the evidence, turn her in.  Otherwise, it's hard to take your anger seriously.  If you just resent that anyone has disability, then that's not justification for being angry with this one woman.

  10. If you are so sure why haven't you reported this?  There are umpteen adverts giving telephone numbers and you don't require to give your name. I know you could be correct but as someone who suffers from IBS I also understand the effect this can have on your life.  I am not on benefit so feel I can tell you my problem without fear of you thinking I am 'sticking up' for the person you know.  There are times when I too can be seen out enjoying myself.  My doctor agrees there's a big problem and I have had a Colonoscopy and thank God there is nothing sinister there. My GP says that IBS is just a name for anything that's wrong with the bowel not a specific illness.  In my case I just don't know when I am going to soil myself without any prior warning. It can perhaps happen 2 -3 times a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less. It has no reason or rythme and have lost count of the times I have had to keep notes for doctors of all that I eat to eliminate what causes this but nothing had been proven. This in fact is where the big problem is going to arise with the new system. I 100% agree with you there are people milking the system but it is proving who is and who isn't. I am 59 and had worked all my life until I was made redundant and it is in the past 10years when I didn't require to work this has happened.  Thankfully, my husband has a good job and when I stopped work decided to retire and have not required to claim benefit but even the toilet attendant position you jokingly refer to I couldn't do as when this happens I get no warning whatsoever.

  11. Theres more fiddling done by dishonest people than the royal philharmonic string section put together.  I have a severe mental disorder which i could get DLA  indefinitely, i was in an RTA a few years ago and its screwed me up in the head i take panic attacks but hard work helps me through it.  If they're genuine they're genuine if not they deserve everything they get.

  12. Toilet paper tester.

  13. OMG I've got IBS and have worked since the age of 16. She wants reporting.

  14. Actually IBS can be extremely incapacitating... Whats your problem?

    IBS isn't just having to go to the toilet alot, or just constapation - it can cause lots and lots of problems. Severe IBS can make it almost impossible for the person to move for pain, sometimes.

    But 20 years... Hmm... She should at least try and get herself better. Whilst there is no cure for IBS, there are diets she can try for ease the symptoms.

    While I disagree with you that IBS isn't incapacitating (it completely is) and think that you are quite rude and insensitive about the syndrome, it is also easy to manage once you have a good, working diet plan followed. The lady you know should try it.

    I'm on incapacity for M.E/L.G.S - and let me tell you, NO ONE wants to be on this forever. She should have something mucked up in her head to stay on it for 20 years, if she truely can do without it. I've only been on it and not at work for four years - and Im already going out of my mind with boredom and a hankering to have my very own job and my very own paycheck.

    Incapacity benefit makes you feel ashamed, even when you know you need it.

    We have to have check-ups every year -2 years , you know - they don't just give it to us and leave us to it. We have to have strenuous and harsh assesments that are a pain in the butt (not pun intended!)

    Incapacity benefit is very hard to fiddle, so we can safely assume that your friend really is very poorly with her IBS.

  15. Maybe a job as a mobile power station using her f***s and urine for fuel to be transported to fuel shortage areas.

  16. I think  you may be a little jealous,

    Not to mention the part about being a

    nosey parker.

    and how did you get a look at her medical history?

  17. where I live the projects are full of them, literly thousands, and they go from generation to generation.

  18. There's just a chance that she would cr*p herself if threatened with employment of any kind.  I've worked with people with IBS - we have two in the company now and they are great workers, and manage the problem OK.  Another is Coeliac gluten intolerent - any wrong food and - whoops!  Another has colitis - first class full time employee.

  19. Its ridiculous. I have met people who have been on inc ben because of post natal depression and bereavement, latter being something all of us have been through. OK its bad yes, but they have been on it for years, and does anyone acknowledge the positive impact that working can have on your life. I have always found work as an escape from the cr"p i have gone through. Some of the conditions people claim about havent been caused by work, so how is it accepted that avoiding work will put it right. We need to embrace the fact that working and contributing to society is positive.

  20. wat a lazay cow

  21. I think I'm suffering from ITS - Irritable Taxpayer Syndrome.

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