
I know a taxi driver in middlesbrough who is grassing up drug dealers to the police.?

by  |  earlier

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He is my friends husband and she doesnt know. should I get involved?




  1. What does "grassing" mean?

  2. I do know what the term means.

    My first instinct would be to stay out of it and distance yourself from your friend. But if you know he is doing this you could be at risk yourself.

    The dealers will figure this out eventually. Of course her husband is at risk big time. But she deserves to know and be aware of the potential risks to herself.  

    So I think she should know. Before something happens to all involved in some way. Her marriage? Well, you might actually be doing them a favor. She is your friend correct? If it was your husband would you not expect that she not hold anything back and tell you? What if something happened and later it turned out you knew? What if something happened to her...... what would you think? Probably "I should have said something".

    How you handle telling her that I could not say.  

  3. Personally, i feel like you would be intuding in on someone elses marraige if you got yourself involved. Obviously his wife is oblivious to life, or see would fully awknowledge everything thats going on in her marriage!

  4. Yeah keep out of it.....baaaaad things may happen to him or you or your friend.

  5. Stay out of it......

  6. Call your local law enforcement agency to provide them with the information. You don't have to leave your name or other information yet still provide intelligence to the crime unit that can do something about the problem.

    You could also talk to your friend. Let her know that his activities could bring problems for the entire family down the road should he get caught.

    It's not easy making a life on your own when a family member who USED to provide support is in jail!

    Friends help friends...all others ignore a problem!

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