
I know certain numbers like 666 and 13 are considered evil or unlucky. Do you have an unlucky number?

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Or, for that matter, one you think is evil or one you hate for some reason?




  1. The movie 23 was really interesting.

    666 is the number of the beast.

    Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

    -- Revelation 13:18

    Unlucky 13

    Some attribute this superstition to the Last Supper at which there were thirteen: Christ and the twelve disciples. Though

    this perception may have strengthened the superstition, the fear of thirteen actually predates the Last Supper. Its origin is

    found in a part of the Norse mythology having to do with a banquet at Valhalla, at which Balder (the favourite of the

    gods) was killed by Loki (the spirit of discord) bringing the number to thirteen.

  2. Yeah 554-7348 the number of the Girl that gave me the clap

  3. no, but 13 and 23 are actually very lucky numbers for me.

  4. the number 4 is considered unlucky by most Chinese .

    in China ,The number 666 can be seen prominently in many shop windows across the country, and people there often pay extra to get a mobile phone number including this string of digits. Coincidentally, that number is considered to be demonic in Western culture, as it is the Number of the Beast.

  5. The number 23, during 911 the only seats found where 23E and 23J. Add upp 2012 which is when they think the world will end, and it equals 23 20+1+2. Lots more

  6. Yes, 50.  It  means I'm freaking old.

  7. No, superstisions (such as lucky/unlucky numbers) have been disproved numerous times. If you look for something hard enough you will find it so when people look for unlucky numbers they find them - like the example above about 23.

  8. 0 is very unlucky when it describes your bank account.

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