
I know colleges care alot about extracurricular but don't they realize...?

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that sometimes parents cant take/pick up their kids to multiple activities a week.Whether the parents are working ,wont let the kid drive with another teen,don't want their teen driving or cant afford them a car,they only have one available car which the working parent(s) are using for work.The school is too far away.They don't want them using a public bus or walking the streets for safety reasons....doesn't this put kids in a disadvantage for admissions(im not talking about myself)




  1. Sometimes parents are making those rules because they worry about safety. Sometimes it is because teens sometimes do not exhibit the best judgment when driving with friends.

    In your question you didn't mention that age-old device called a bicycle.

    As for college admissions offices, they do look for extra curricular activities, but also for rigor of HS courses, good test scores, the essay and interview.

    If the teen referred to in your question were my son/daughter, I would want them to show me that they are responsible for being safe, and get their work done, then I would allow more freedom.

  2. well... then the student has to convey that in his application somewhere

    and to compensate for it, the student should say study more and do like 5 AP classes since he was sitting at home anyway.

    The same applies for international students and work experience.

    International students cannot get jobs in their countries because unlike in America, no one hires high schools students there.  So they have to make it up by speaking like 5 languages or something.

  3. Not really a disadvantage.  If you don't have the good GPA and test scores, any amount of extra circulars isn't going to do you a darn bit of good.  Focus on what you CAN control, grades, test scores, and 1 school sponsored activity (like running for class secretary or president or something you can do during school time).

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