
I know foreign countries have American chain restaurants, but how is a pizza here different in say England?

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Or is it the same? I've seen on the food channel, pizza is made different in Italy.




  1. From what I've seen genuine Italian pizza puts more emphasis on flavors whereas American pizza is more focused on volume. Crusts here tend to be much thicker and the toppings are piled on - rarely saw that in Europe.

  2. Pizza in europe is really not like here, very thin, very small, huge mount of spices and flavorings (always more then seven) lots of mushroom chioce (8-12 types at most resturants.) cheeses (including goat, sheep, cow and most of it is unpasturized and very gooey, gooooeeeeyyy, like fondue.) and salami (pepperoni come in no less then 15 varieties and if you ask for one region over another it may chalk up the cost considerably.) Also, everyone loves dried fish, chunky bits of anchovie on alfredo pizza? no thanks.

    The single small tortilla pizza will cost 6-9 E and you'll get a salad and a coke you'll spend 15 E.  20-23 dollers on a lunch you wouldn't eat here for seven. I like the flavors, and types and differences after a while but you'd be surprised about the change.

  3. Australians #1 pizza topping is boiled eggs.  Whoever came up with that had 1 to many Fosters.

  4. Everything is fresh.. The dough is always fresh and made from scratch. The ingredients are bought from produces straight from farms. And they dont keep ingredients that are left over. They have a larger selection of toppings that are 100% healther and more appealing. And alot less grease.

    (I live in Europe)

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