
I know gun owners won't agree, but a min. silence for kids shot by guns in 6 U.S. schools last week.Okay?

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Why gun owners don't give a d**n about kids is a mystery to me, but their totally illogical answers show it whenever guns are discussed!




  1. There are several nations with extremely strict laws prohibiting gun ownership.  

    Most Americans don't really envy the situation there despite how "safe" the unarmed populace must feel.

  2. How can you even call yourself an American Hero. You are a pushover with his tail between his legs. Let me guess...Democrat ?

  3. You might as well give them your silence

    Your silence has already killed so many.

    See, there is a tool that can stop school shooters. It is called concealed firearms by the community, including teachers and professors, and where applicable, students.

    but you are afraid to say it. so you hang up signs and write policy banning guns, which makes it so much easier for the killer.

    Don't believe me? Google Pearl, Mississippi school shooting. Google Appalachian School of Law shooting, Google  Charles Whitman

    Here's a though for you. One of the victims in this most recent shooting was a 32 year old woman who was in the US Army for 12 years, a citizen soldier returning to get an education. Why would you trust that person to carry an M-16, a "machinegun" wiht 30 rounds in the magazine and firing bullets at 3000 feet per second, putting her life on the line for our benifit, to not carry a snub nose 5 shot 38 special. I don't know if she ever asked for a permit to carry, or how many returning veterans have, but I know the answer the state of Illinois and NIU would have said... "NO"

    Just think if some other 12 year army veteran had asked to carry, taken the required courses, gone through the background checks, passed the test, and had carried a handgun that day.

    According to Bridges, at the first sound of gunfire, he and fellow student Mikael Gross, unbeknownst to each other, ran to their vehicles to fetch their personal owned firearms.[8] Gross, a police officer with the Grifton Police Department in his home state of North Carolina, retrieved a 9 mm pistol and body armor.[9] Bridges, a county sheriff's deputy from Asheville, N.C.,[10] pulled his .357 Magnum pistol from beneath the driver's seat of his Chevrolet Tahoe. As Bridges later told the Richmond Times Dispatch, he was prepared to shoot to kill.[11] Bridges and Gross approached Odighizuwa from different angles, with Bridges yelling at Odighizuwa to drop his gun.[12] Odighizuwa then dropped his firearm and was subdued by several other unarmed students, including Ted Besen and Todd Ross.[13]

    He went on to wound 7 others before Joel Myrick, the assistant principal, retrieved a .45 pistol from the glove compartment of his truck and subdued Woodham while he was trying to drive off campus. When Myrick asked Woodham of his motive, he replied "Life has wronged me, sir". Woodham had been planning to drive to the Pearl Middle School to continue his murderous rampage; only Myrick's intervention prevented this from happening.

    Once Whitman began facing return gunfire from the authorities, he used the waterspouts on each side of the tower as gun ports, which allowed him to continue shooting largely protected from the gunfire below, which had grown to include civilians who had brought out their personal firearms to assist police. Ramiro Martinez, an officer credited with neutralizing Whitman's threat, later stated in his book that the civilian shooters should be credited, as they made it difficult for Whitman to take careful aim without being hit

    P.S. to phillistine

    The NRA meeting was scheduled well in advance, and paid for quite before that. What's more, IT WAS REQUIRED BY FEDERAL LAW, see, the group has to have a yearly meeting as part of their incorporation, and there are a bunch of other rules regarding that meeting, such as it must be scheduled well in advance so that the voting members have a chance to attend if they so chose.  If you didn't want the NRA there, you should have called your congressman and demand he push through a new law allowing them to have an exception.

  4. Guns save lives. Someone breaks into your house! If you don't own a gun how are you supposed to shoot them?

  5. OKAY! I am a gun owner and I agree with you.

    But who do you think you are to say that we don't care about kids or that we are illogical?

    (Speaking of totally illogical-- you get the prize tonight)

  6. I think that's one of the most broad and uneducated generalizations I've read on here in a long time.

  7. I'll agree with on that

    Shame that there are so many people who don't care

  8. The NRA held a meeting in Denver nearby Columbine 10 days after the massacre in that HS. They were begged not to do so by Denver's Mayor but to no avail.

    The NRA has even endorsed a teacher who wanted to bring her gun to class but was overruled by a court decision.

    And that's how these gun folks have shown their disrespect for kids.

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