
I know he still cares about me how do i get him to realize we can make it work?

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I started dating this guy about 6 months ago. I moved to Florida from PA about a year ago all by myself for school n i love it here and he was my frist real boy friend down here. I am 22, he is 23 he has a good job, goes to college, has a good family, is respectful, by far the best boy friend i EVER had...we got really close within the first two months...we spent every day together i was so happy i instantly fell for him. i clung to him alot more than i realized a was stressing him out and he tried to tell me but i didnt realize it was affecting him so much. i would lay guilt trips on him if he went out w his friends but i just loved being with him so much! he made me soo happy when i was with him i didnt even miss home or anything nothing else mattered to me, I know he really cared about me alot, he always said i was the nicest girl he ever dated and he is haooy he met me but over time my demands for him to always be here and be with me 24/7 put a toll on his stress. one night he was just home with his dad talking and he didnt answer me for an hour after work so i freaked out i called his friends crying and embarrassed him and still after that he stayed with me...that whole week he barely came over and at the end of the week he showed up here and told me it wasnt going to work out it was just two the next four weeks i saw him 3 times two of the occasions we hung out with a group of friends drinking and we slept together and he is a really good guy i know you are probably thinking he just used me but it wasn't like that...i know for a fact he still cared and does still care about me but this past month he has been saying he is confused and he really doesnt know what he wants until last night he told me he made his decision he thinks i am a really good person he still wants to talk to me and he will never forget me but we will never work out because i am just to much for him, i knnow it hurt him to tell me that because he told me he doesnt want to know or hear about who i date or hook up with but he just doesnt see us working out. i cried the whole time. i begged him to give us a chance and i told him i would change for him but he said he doesnt want to change me it is who i am but it is to much for him. he kept huggung me and looking at me but i couldnt persuade him no matter how hard i tried...please help me i will do anything, i just want him back. he was the best thing that ever happened to me and i dont want to lose him...intially when we broke up he just needed time but i didnt give him that instead i just kept asking and trying to get back together and it is to late now...i know he still cares for me alot he just cant handle me, what can i do? during this past month i met my own group of friends i know if we got back together i wouldnt care if he went with his because now unlike before i wouldn't be sitting alone at night waiting...for whatever reason he has stuck in his head we will never work and i don't know what to do, please HELP ME!




  1. Sorry Darl, but I think you've done your dash. He gave you chances and you blew them. Read John Gray's books and learn some more relationship skill so you don't make the same mistake next time. "Cave time" is very important to guys, and there is few things guys appreciate more than girls who understand that and are gracious about it.

    Maybe if you learn these lessons, the world will bring you back together. If not, at least you can do better with your next relationship.

  2. Thats a lot of writing! WOW. Gimme a second. Mkay, that's actually really sad. I almost started crying. But my suggestion, would be t show him you've changed. Don't tell him, but show him, and don't make you life stop for him. Have some fun, and live, and while your at it show him. If you're supposed to be together you will be.

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