
I know how many shows there are, like hunter, jumping, dressage, but...... (i know i asked this, i just want?

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to make sure i dont hurt her) so let me say, Tori is VERY athletic. she doesnt have a lot of muscle on her anymore because her owners havent been riding her as much, only like 2 times a week.

anyways, whenever someone comes out to visit her, she automatically tries to open the gate to go for a ride, so she already loves riding and exercising.

she is around 16 years old, im guessing 14.2,.3 hands, and now she is mine! lol, so im wondering, what kind of shows would be good for her? idk how to barrel race (lol), i would like a ocmpetition, where we can get ribbons and have fun.

im getting an english saddle, bridle, bit, and pad for christmas,, so im gonna start training with english. she is western lol.

so, what kind of shows can we do?

she is quarter horse, morgan, and possibly arabian.




  1. ok it is going to be hard to go from one to a other where do u live and what barn do u go to do HUNTER it is so much fun

  2. I would get with a good trainer that can teach both of you the basics of english. Once you have a good foundation moving between disciplines is easy. The training will also allow her to become accostumed to the work. I would start with a hunter/jumper trainer. The flat classes are straight forward and the jump courses are not to complex. After that you can look into training for eventing or switching to western (if your area has it).

    The thing to understand with shows is that the politics in each are huge. Certain people will win because they are on certain horse (not necessarly because they ride the best). You might also want to try some 4-H play day shows:

    They have some fun classes and the one in my area is not to competetive (3-10 people per class) and the judge tells you why you placed like you did and how to improve. Congrats on the new horse!

  3. in addition to hunter  there is pleasure under saddle.  

    Also if you like a challenge and compeating.  why not look into judged pleasure riding. Its a trail ride you can do with your friends, over a set distance of natural trail.  Every so often you have a obsticle such as a gate, or stream to navigate and a judge watches with a list of criteria you have to meet.  The ride is not timed, usually not more then 10 miles in length and scoreing is based upon how well you did in the obsticles.

  4. Well, if you have all english tack you should do either hunter-jumper, dressage, or other ones. I personally did hunter-jumper and it was really fun. If she is western and your training her to become english I would highly suggest a trainer. Good luck!

  5. dressage wouldbe really perfect for you two!!

    jumping might be to hard on her since she's starting to age just don't jump anything higher than 3 feet

    there are 21 year old horses still jumping 2 feet strong so i'm sure she can jump and would love to learn =)

    congrats on your new horse you must be really excited!!

    i hope the best for you 2!


    gymkhana because she is kinda short she might be good at those and you could learn it's not just for western riders my english freinds have a 13 hand pony and play those games with him it's alot of fun!

  6. You can do whatever looks interesting with your horse.  If you're not sure, start going to the different types of shows as a spectator, and see which one(s) you might like to try.

  7. If you don't think your horse is fit enough to jump or do dressage (or you don't want to because some of us don't), try to find some good open shows in your area. They are often put on by 4H or other groups or breed associations. These are fun shows that often have lots of things but focus on flat english and western pleasure and equitation.

  8. I'd start off with some hunt seat equitation w/o fences, as she doesnt seem fit enough yet. Also, it will greatly improve you position. After she gets in better shape you can start with small fences and work from there. She and you will get better together!

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