
I know how to post trot it justs i tend to lean forward. How can i solve this problem?

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I know how to post trot it justs i tend to lean forward. How can i solve this problem?




  1. Keep your heels down. Oh and try riding bareback on a gentle horse. this will give you better balance

  2. Congratulations on learning how to posting trot! that's a big step.

    Leaning forward is a definite no-no; your center point is thrown forwards, meaning if your horse bolts, you'll have no way of stopping him, and if he stops, you may fall off. It is always probably bringing your leg back, which is another problem. While posting trot, try to imagine your torso is a sail, and you're catching wind. Bring your shoulders back. Remember to always look forwards - lots of people lean forward because they look at the ground. Remember that your heels, hips, and shoulders should all be aligned. A lunge lesson with a certified instructor may help, so you can focus on your position and not worry about steering, or watch some good riders at your barn. Good luck - I'm sure eventually you'll solve your problem, with a lot of practice.

  3. I think this is an issue for some people regardless of posting or sitting the trot.  For my students that lean forward, I ask them to lift the sternum (the flat bone in the chest at shoulder level).  If you are lifting the sternum, and keeping your heels in the right position, it should make it really hard to lean forward but rather put your body in the optimal riding position.  If you don't already take lessons, sign up for some and have a competent riding instructor help identify any posture problems you might be having.  Having someone give you an honest critique is worth a lot!  

    Good luck - you can work through it!

  4. Okay, when i was first starting out i used to have this problem also. The way to solve it is to do a lesson on or off the lunge (depending on how much balance you have) without your stirrups, whilst doing this try to foucus on stitting on your pockets of your pants (the ones on the back) This will help you achieve a deep seat. Then gradually start to rise to the trot, pretending that you have a big helium ballon attached to your head and neck pulling you up straight. Push your heel down and move your knee as little as possible when rising.  Make sure you keep you shoulders back as this may also cause a problem because when you haunch your back fowards you are causing your centre of gravity to change, pushing you off balance.

    Good Luck and have fun with your riding.

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