
I know i'm pregnant but am i losing it?

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I have been pregnant before and I am married so no rude comments please. 4 days past ovulation I suddenly got all of this nausea, nose stuffiness, swollen b*****s at night, bloating, moodiness, and very sensitive smell. I usually have very early symptoms as my body is sensitive, and I am very in tune with it. But today I woke up with no nausea for the first time in a few days. Should I be worried? Please help. My doctors appt. isn't for another few days. Please only responses form those who have been pregnant. Does this mean I am losing the baby?! I am also cramping very little.




  1. The symptoms can come and go.  I wouldnt concern too much with that.

    The cramping -- call the doctor.  Cramping isnt good.

  2. I wouldn't worrry about it too much. Our bodies do funny things sometimes. I had cramps throughout my pregnancy. And the symptoms can come and go. Every pregnancy is different just as every child is different so it's not going to be exactly like your first pregnancy. Still, if you have concearns, it's best to check in with your OB-GYN.

    P.S.: It's a shame that you felt the need to specifically ask that people keep their rude comments to themselves. People on the internet can be very rude sometimes.

  3. Well some people, there morning sickness just stops at a point in pregnancy and some doesn't stop til days after giving birth!! Try not to worry about it..unless you are having bleeding! If you bleed or have sever cramps you should call your dr.....but I know with my son I got just a little bit of morning sickness then it went away pretty early like you are saying!! Try not to worry, it wont do any good!!! Good luck to you!!  

  4. Everyone deals with pregnancy differently and each pregnancy has different symptoms. Some days are good and some days are bad. I'd wait and see how the rest of the week is, and when you go to the doctor's, be sure to bring that up. Stress also does a huge deal, too, and can affect the symptoms you may have while pregnant.  

  5. All pregnancies are different just like each human being is. If you are nauseous due to pregnancy, symptoms can come and go.  I am 4 months pregnant with my 3rd child (4th pregnancy) and even tho there have been alot of similarities in this pregnancy as my last, the nausea is the one thing that has been sparadic. Also I've noticed some days my breast are more sore than others. Its hard to tell if you are losing a baby if you are even pregnant. Your symptoms could also mean AF will be coming. The cramping could be from that, could be an impeding miscarriage or it could be your ligments and uterus growing already. You are only 4 dpo so its kinda early to really know what all this could be. Its best to just wait it out and see waht happens. Good luck.  

  6. Your best bet at this point is to go get a couple home pregnancy tests.  They don't have to be the expensive ones.  Sometimes you can even get them at dollar store type places.  Take one when you get them.  If it shows up negative, wait a few days or up to a week to give your hormone levels to reach a point (if you are pregnant) where they will register without a doubt.  If it shows up positive, give your health care professional a call and discuss what's going on.

    For that matter, if you are in doubt at all, give your health care professional a call.  They have a lot more verifiable training than anyone on here.

    As a previous person noted, it is possible for typical pregnancy symptoms to come and go with no real pattern.

    The cramping could be a bad sign or it could be simply your body adjusting to the new pregnancy.

    Since the first thing any medical professional worth the paper their diploma is printed on will do is have you take a pregnancy test, you might as well take one in the comfort of your own home.  Much better than peeing in a cup at the doctor's office, right?

  7. it doesn't have to mean you are losing the baby. I didn't expereince nausea and soreness al the time. It freaked me out. If you were losing the baby i think you would have period like cramps but more intense  see some sort of spotting or bleeding. Just hang in there think positive. If your mind is really telling you something is terribley wrong then try to get your appt. moved up for them to check you out.

  8. Hi ;) nausea, as breast tenderness and other symptoms, may come and go. There is nothing to worry about, and if you are pregnant the baby probably is fine anyways.

    The cramping probably is normal, your uterus is stretching to make place for your little one ;) If there is no blood and if the cramping does not ressemble a contraction, there is nothing to worry about (I had a lot of it myself, and this is exactly what my doctor told me)

    Good luck and... congrats :)

  9. Okay this is tricky because it could be that you may have lost the pregnancy. I have had a miscarriage and the only thing I noticed was that my symptoms were completely gone. I did not have bleeding or cramping nothing.  But I was 9 weeks along so at that time I had regular symptoms everyday and then one day NOTHING I suspected I lost the baby went to the Dr. the next day and the baby no longer had a heartbeat. So yes it could mean that you have lost it. HOWEVER since then I had a baby and I'm preg now 17 weeks along and since with that miscarrige my symptoms just disappeared I paid close attention to in with my other pregnancies and you know what I have many days in the beginning of both pregnancies when I just didn't "feel" preg. and everything was okay. That's why I said it's really hard to call. They can come and go. Like now some days I feel fluttering/ little kicks and some days I feel nothing. It's natural to worry but honestly going based just on how you feel is hard to determine the health of the pregnancy. Also if you are less than 5 weeks along take a preg. test I noticed once with another early miscarriage when I retested the test was lighter I knew it likely meant my hcg was dropping and the next day was even lighter until it was neg. and then I knew I was no longer preg. even though I had a positive before. Hope this helps try not to worry because you really don't have much reason to at this point. You'll be fine you have a higher chance of having a healthy pregnancy than of having a loss. I hope tomorrow you'll be feeling sick and tired he he he (((HUGS)))

  10. I don't think its anything to worry about at this stage.  How many weeks pregnant are you?

    I had mild cramping in my first pregnancy.  Was absolutely fine.  You only have to worry if you get strong cramps ACCOMPANIED by spotting or bleeding.  Spotting by itself is normal, and mild cramping by itself is normal too.  Don't worry, so far so good,

  11. Is the cramping severe or could you live with it? When i was pregnant i had slight cramping which actually let me to believe i was pregnant. Took a hpt and yes, bfp.  A few days afterwards i started cramping quite bad with brown discharge.  During the night it turned into red discharge and cramping was really bad, i mean you cant stand up nearly with the pain. I kinda knew myself i was having a miscarrige and went to doc later that day who confirmed i had lost the baby. I was only 5 weeks pregnant.  But up until the bad cramping started i had pregnancy symptoms, eg. sore b***s, sensitive smell, bloating etc. Monitor it yourself for the rest of the day and if you dont have red bleeding the cramping is probably just due to your cervix getting used to having a lodger in there. Best of luck, will keep my fingers crossed for you

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