
I know i cant be the only embarassed pregnant girl......?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so this is my first baby. And im 7 weeks today!! I have a problem though. I have large labias. And im so embarassed to have the doc look down there and stuff. Ive seen many of childbirths in my family and all the girls didnt have what i have. Ugh anyone help pleasee.




  1. Oh honey - don't worry for a minute - like someone already said, they have literally seen it all! Try and find a woman OB so you can feel more comfortable, if you like.

  2. please dont worry i had the same problem even though they have seen everything its still kinda a shock. The doctor wont see it until you go into lsbour and by that time you will be pass carring. x

  3. hun don't worry ok the docs will of seen anything and everything and wont even give yours a second look they have probably seen it a hundred times you will be fine

  4. dont be embarrassed its sometimes really hot. to me it doesnt matter but i dont mind. guys could suck on it. and it will feel soo good for you. i would suck on it. not trying to be creepy or anything though. well i think its hot =]  

  5. As hard as it may be for you to believe, your doctor has seen it all.  Unless your lights up or talks, he will not be surprised.  Hope that helps!


  7. Don't worry. Doc's have seen everything and anything, and when the time comes you won't even care. I am kinda shy about stuff like that and when I had my baby there were about 10 people just staring down there. and I din't even care. You will be thinking about 70 million other things so don't worry.

  8. Wait till the 3rd trimester!! Everything blows up huge.. Don't worry sweety, I'm sure it happens to a lot of us. When we get pregnant everything changes down there!!  

  9. You're not the only one!! I feel the same way and I am 14 weeks pregnant and hate to go to the doc because I'm embarrassed to so don't worry about it hun.. Everybody goes through it.. I wish u the best of luck and you'll be ok!!!!  

  10. Trust me, us healthcare people have seen it all and we really don't look at bodies like that or think things like that.  We're not secretly thinking "wow, that girl has the biggest labia I've ever seen!"  We're thinking more about the health of you and the baby than anything else. It's totally ok.  Don't let it deter you from good healthcare.  :-)

  11. As someone who has delivered before, done all the testing and doing it again for the second time right now, trust me.  The OB doesn't care.  And when it's delivery time, you will NOT care.  

    I am a very modest woman.  I wear pareos and T-shirts over my swimsuit because I hate to be half-clothed in front of other people.  I am cautious about necklines, tight clothes, etc.  I am also overweight.

    The idea of being exposed in that way was horrible to me - until I was in labor.  Towards the end, if they had wanted to welcome the baby with a brass band, a football team running through a banner, and a cheering crowd of 100,000 people, that would have been fine with me.   ANYTHING as long as the baby was coming out soon.

  12. doctors have seen it all!!!

  13. google labias on pictures you will be surprised  make sure safe search aint on and you will see its all pretty normal i aint going to grose you out with mine...there is nothing to be embarrassed about the doctor he will be there to see your baby born not to look at your labia  dont worrie about it  ,,

  14. Im sure the doctor has seen it before. Dont be embarassed Im sure your not the only one out there. And congrats on your baby!!

  15. No, you aren't the only one! I think that mine looks very very wierd! I have already had one child, and believe me, I never thought of it when I was having her. Doctors have seen everything in the book, and out of it too!  

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