
I know i have to go but ugh:/?

by  |  earlier

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So im officially six weeks pregnant. I go in for my first prenatal pretty soon. Im nervous to go, because i have large labias. And like ive never met anyone else like that had it but ive seen it before. Im nervous for my male doctor to look down there because i have large labias. And this is something ive always been self concious about. Any girls out there have the same thing and can make me feel a lil better:/And im so happy im pregnant and all just worried about people looking down there




  1. I work in health care.  One naked body is just like another one after you have seen so many.  I wouldn't worry about your doc. He's a professional who has probably seen many many naked women.  Your going to have a lot of people looking down there, so now is a good time to get over your fear. Pregnancy is full of embarrassing things. Congrats on your pregnancy.

  2. ur male doctor has seen a lot and u shouldnt be worried.. doctors dont judge you.. if u are really that concerned and u feel uncomfortabble find a female doctor that u can trust.. and the only thing that matters is that ur husband is happy with you... conggrats on being pregnant

    happy baby..


  3. He see's different women all day. Im sure you're just one more patient to him.Dont worry you all natural beautiful inside and out..

    CONGRATS ON THE BABY!!! cant wait to hear more questions from you!

  4. How do you know you have large labias? Every woman is different, who are you comparing yourself to? The doctor has seen hundreds, maybe thousands of lady parts, nothing is going to suprise them. Try not to worry. :)

  5. Will it make you feel better if I told you I was embarrassed as well because I had just shaved and had irritation bumps all over when I had to go for my first appoint.?

    I always have to use cream or I get bumps that look like a rash and I had ran out of cream and forgot to buy any.... So yeah, i'm sure I looked just LOVELY. ;]

    I know it's not the same but I could've just died.

    Just go in there without a care in the world about it. Do you realize how many va-jay-jay's these people see on a daily basis? And how many people have different things to be embarassed about?

    Focus on your baby and dont even think about it. Focus on the uncomfortable pelvic exam if that helps you not feel embarrassed, lol. ;]

    Good luck and congrats to you!

  6. I wouldnt worry about it, He sees all sorts and sizes of all parts of the female organs Im sure he's not going to laugh or say anything mean.

    If he does sue him!!

  7. Your doctor has seen it all and worse, don't worry about it.

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