
I know im waisting a question.?

by  |  earlier

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Do a lot of little girls or whoever they are get on here just to ask crazy questions or get people to react to them? That girl yesterday about wire hanger abortions and now some kid about s**y men and wet beds. Anyway Im 37 weeks. Anyone else due sept 20? Mines a boy




  1. i saw that wet the bed question, there are some sickos out ther! congratulations on ur little boy, not long now then!!! im TTC#2 wish me luck!

  2. A lot of people need the attention whether it is negative or positive. It's sad really.

    On a happier note, congrats for being so close! Hopefully I'll be asking my own question about a first time pregnancy soon!  

  3. Congratulations on your pregnancy, I am not pregnant but I do have a 20 month old preemie. It sickens me that people waste other peoples time with there bull c**p questions, when there are women on here asking serious questions because they are scared or in need of help.

  4. yea theres some stupid ppl here

    congrats :)

  5. Yeah they are losers, and I'm a guy and also not pregnant. Good for you though.

  6. Your due date is my birthday!!

  7. congrats on ur baby hun! Hope all goes well!  

  8. I am due sept 22, also a boy. Lots of weirdos out there...

  9. There are a lot of strange people in this world...And they seem to really show this weirdness when they can hide behind a computer screen.

    Congrats on your pregnancy!

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