
I know it's wrong, and I just need help. ?

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I am 14, and my cousin will be 30 in a couple of years. It all started on the cruise, when he started flirting a lot. We haven't seen each other for almost 2 years and the first thing is said was that I got a lot more attractive (in a jokingly way), then on the cruise he started flirting a lot, I was overwhelmed so I didn't react. Then now I'm starting to like him and it's so wrong. I want to stop, but I'm not sure how. Any advice? (We still flirt...)




  1. That is disgusting, not only is it incestuous put it's also perverted. Even in normal circumstances he would be convicted of statutory rape and put on a s*x offenders list. Go and see someone because you are most definitely screwed in the head.

    Sorry but if you know it's wrong then why continue. t**t

  2. whoa youre really weird you should probably go to a doctor

  3. He's your cousin. He came out of your Aunt's v****a. Your Aunt and Uncle had mad crazy s*x to make him. Does that help? And its called Incest. And when you bang someone in your family your kid comes out all messed up I think it has something to do with genes.

  4. at 14 any attention is good attention

    but this man is 30! twice your age and your family as well!

    you sure he is flirting and not just being friendly?

  5. it s'ok it happened 2 me but hes 21 lol

    and im 13

    so just take it as cool dont get serious cuz thats wrong


    its something almost everyone gos thrugh!

  6. 1: That's incest

    2: It's statutory rape

    I wouldn't worry too much though. The two of you are both disgusting perverts so he'll probably enjoy being somebody's ***** in prison.

    Oh and yes you do need to see a doctor. It doesn't happen to many people only to sick nutters.

  7. He was wrong to start it in the first place. Why should the blame be all on you when he is 30 and should know better?

    He gave you attention. Plain and simple attention. You are probably getting very little attention from anybody else, so it is easy to place feelings towards the person giving you ANY positive attention.

    Maybe you should transfer your attention to friends at school. That is, YOU give YOUR ATTENTION to SOMEONE ELSE. There are plenty of very lonely people at your school who are dying for someone else to say hi! I'll bet there is a great guy sitting behind you in class who has no one talking to him because once upon a time he was labeled a 'geek'. (Once upon a time I was labeled a 'geek', even though I knew how to ski, boogie board, fish, and play soccer real well, I was a geek so no guy dated me. Too bad, now they are missing out on my trips to snowboard at Mammoth Mountain and Kirkwood with my brother and husband!)

    YOU be a friend to someone else your own age, and politely tell your 30-year old cousin that first of all, he's your cousin, and second of all, it's very unfair for him to flirt with you like this when it should and will go nowhere. You are only 14 and not quite ready for the big leagues and it is unfair for him to do this to you. Then turn to the guy sitting behind you in Algebra and smile and say hi.

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