
I know it's wrong but...?

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am i the only one's who's still a *little* bitter about not getting a pony when they were young?

i know i should move on, and i am (i get to work breaking in new colts in the spring : ) ) but sometimes when i hear about 12 year olds with 4 horses, it makes me a little sad..




  1. Yes but....

    If they had then I think I would have missed out on a lot of very varied experience and maybe not met some great people that I did. So many things would have been different - where would I be now ?

    My parents weren't horsey, my kids don't have that problem.

  2. A pony or horse shouldn't make a difference. It is wheather or not the horse is the right size for you. I'm in yr.7 and still ride my friends ponies for then as well as ground work my own minixshetland and ride my Purebred 15.3hh and a bit QH.

  3. I have the same feeling too. I'm 15 and I dont have my own horse yet. I have cried to sleep a few times but I know the hardships that im facing when I see kids riding thier own horses. There was a girl once and she had only ridden for 2-3 months and then she got her own horse. I got jealous cuz she was only a beginner (im one of the advanced riders). So stay calm and you will get your own pony someday.

  4. I have always wanted a horse too but I am thirteen and i still dont have one but i should be getting one very soon and i am going to learn to barrel race =] yay i cant wait

  5. lol i''m just gonna rub it in your faces now...but I HAD PONIES WHEN I WAS LITTLE!!!!!!

  6. YES! Same with me. I ride at a barn with a lot of really rich kids and they all have their own horse and get new ones like every year.

    It makes me pretty mad cause I work really hard at the barn just so that I can get lessons in exchange since my family has no money to pay for a horse. Everyones always like, when are you gonna lease or buy a horse, and they don't understand when I'm like, we don't have enough money.

    I know I'm only 14, but I've wanted a horse my whole life and it makes me mad that these 11 years olds have had 2 or 3 horses.

    I guess we just have to live with it and take what we can from working with the horses. Its almost as good.

  7. I sooooo feel your pain.  Like JLS, I still do not have a horse.  I am fortunate to have had excellent friends for 14 years who have 18 horses and let me ride 3 of them consistently.  I look at it this way, think of all the money I have saved?

    Anyway, I know it's no comfort, but when you want something so bad for so long, you really do appreciate it more.  My mom has bad allergies, and I could never have a dog.  1 1/2 years ago, I got my first puppy.  I tell you, every day I thank God for that puppy, and I love that dog as much as is humanly possible.  Every day I am thankful for the opportunity to be her mistress.  

    So, when I have a horse someday and you have a horse someday and JLS has a horse someday, there will be no horses more loved, more cared for, more appriciated...  It doesn't feel like a consolation now, but think, it will happen someday.  When it does, it will be all the more sweet and you will feel a connection with that horse that no spoiled brat every could (i.e. saddle whiner--not all 12 year-olds with horses are spoiled.  my friends who have the 18 horses, their daughter has ridden since she was a toddler.  she doesn't take it for granted and works her tail off every day cleaning stalls, feeding, etc.  So, don't forget to give young horse owners a chance.  Some of them work harder than most grown-ups.  Plus, you may make a friend who will let you ride, let you have "cart blanche".  As for the brats, they will get their own.  Not everyone in their lives will put up with their c**p).

    Good luck on getting your horse.

  8. LOL, it is the same for me but i kept saving and NEVER gave up and i am getting a horse soon( i am 13) I HAV EBEEN JEALOUS of my friends that had horses, but i got over it, and im getting my own one soon,but who cares you get to break in colts, and im sure that will be alot of fun! good luck xoxoxo

  9. I think it's definitely time to move on!

    I was one of those kids; I started riding at 4, and by 12 I was breaking in show ponies and riding 4 or 5 ponies a day.  However, I was also a nasty grotty little child - and I'm sure you were much nicer than I was!  The thing with kids (especially girls) who learn to ride young is they are convinced that they're special and extremely talented, so they treat their parents like $h!t.  Little girls who long for ponies and don't have them do tend to be a little nicer - although they too can turn into grotbags!

    I have ponies for my children - but one sign of grottiness, and no riding will be the number one punishment!

  10. i think that it is bad when you want a horse when you are younger and can not get one, my boyfriend's sisters are like that, both of them love horses and always want to ride but their parents will not let them get one

    but its hard to own a horse for your whole life, go everywhere and win championships but then have that horse die 2 weeks before your birthday

  11. I'm 23 - working in a job that doesn't involve horses that doesn't give me time to ride.  I used to work with horses all day every day and seeing little kids with highly expensive horses.  I still don't have a horse but the dream is there - hang onto it and don't let it go, its what makes us feel young.

  12. Those kids that get handed everything and don't work for what they have end up being non-achievers versus those that have to work hard for what they get.

    My sister and I got our 1st pony at Christmas and we worked very hard taking care if the pony and my moms kennel full of dogs. They helped us but we also worked very hard for it also.

  13. I dont get one thing you just said! 12 YO with 4 horses? HUH???? Post details so I can help you and answer!

  14. Haha... Just a BIT jealous of anyone that can call a horse their own. Especially those that take it for granted.

    I am 18 part-time working my butt off at a horrid job, will be going to school part time in the fall, and living with my parents until I get out of school. (I highly doubt my parents will help me buy or care for one... partly because my dad doesn't like them to much and my mom doesn't know anything about them.) Then I will be working even more and maybe move out. Then I MIGHT be able to afford a horse with my college degree and a nice job. I would still have to keep the horse at my parents house because we have a lot of land.

    Someday the lessons will pay off and I will have my own horse!

  15. well, when they say 4,5, 15 horses, i do wonder what their parents were thinking (if indeed they do have horses).

    but i was one who got a horse/pony at the age of 10-11 and i did go around feeling like i was on top of the world. . . but i learned fast (with my mother) that horses are HARD work and ANYTHING can go wrong. i never owned more then 2 horses at once(only once did my family own 2 horses at the same time longer then 3 days), and even then they were my family's horses not really mine.

    the thing that makes me sad is they think they know everything at 13 and wont even listen to advice from someone else older then 15. so i'm learning to let it go ...slowly.

    edit: i'm 22 now, full time job, full time student. . . and saving for a horse that i can call my own. (where I pay ALL the bills and take care of the horse) it feels good to me to say that i can pay my own bills now. (i'm weird)

  16. hey, it's the same for me. i'm sixteen, i work my @$$ off, and all i get to do is take one half hour lesson a week. All i want is a horse... but, no, i just work long hours to raise money while younger children are getting horses handed to them

  17. it still bothers me when i hear all these younger kids having multiple horses. and then the kids that are so spoiled and have the moms that do all the work for them. ahh its annoying. but i long for the day that i have my own horse

  18. YES! I just got my first horse, and I'm 15. He's a greenie, but I love them even more. It took my 9 years to convince my parents to get me a horse, and I just got him this week. It hasn't set in quite yet that he's mine... it's what every little girl dreams about.

    Anyways...This girl I used to show against (on an old lesson pony... we kicked her butt everytime :]) has 3 pony hunter propects, and a premade eq  horse. She's 12, btw. I don't know how she does it, it just annoys me to pieces. We get it, you have money. Thanks. It bothers me so much how spoiled these kids get... the last show I was at against her, she was screaming at her mom because her brand new saddle (a Bates...) was the wrong color for her new pony. she needed a NEW saddle to make her NEW pony look good.

  19. I did have a pony when I was young neeenner neeenner neeenner

    But my family has had a working horse ranch my whole life. Having a pony/horse to me was like most of these kids having......... what the h**l do kids have these days?........... Atari's. But I hear ya there. Luck with breaking horses this spring..... SLIDE'N'RIDE it could get rough stick with it.

  20. It's a little upsetting, but you have something better to look forward to. I had the same problem. I always wanted a pony when I was little. My friend had like 10 horses by the age of 13. But I got over it.

  21. I only got my first horse about 2 years ago and before that I was very jealous of anyone who was younger than me and had a horse. It's OK. You'll get your own horse probable really soon! Good luck and enjoy the chances when you get to ride!

  22. I know horses and ponies are beautiful, but they're not just a possession. They're an animal and I can't help but think a child getting a pony as a gift is just wrong, if the parent isn't going to want to be there to take up the slack to care for it, because a child is just going to get bored with it.

    So even though I know everyone wants one when they're young, I'm not bitter about not getting one, because I know at a young age you just don't hold interest in one thing for long, and the poor pony would just suffer from it.

    Once your older and able to realize that you have to devote a certain amount of your time to caring for this delicate creature, it's more practical to own one.

  23. AHHHH  I solved that problem. When I turned 30 my mother in law gave me a Shetland stallion.  I have added a few mares for him and breed and show the ponies now.

    you can see them at

    It is never too late to get a pony.  We drive ours, I can still ride them although I look real silly.  We show in hand, trail class and hunter and jumper in hand, also liberty and costume class.

    Check out for information on the American Shetland Pony American Miniature Horse American Show Pony and American Sport Pony

  24. Yeah I wish I could have been one of the girls on the cute ponies that everyone hates showing against. It bad but I do. I know a girl who went to pony finals on a pre-qualified pony last year. The owner had qualified and then leased him to the girl. This pony was for sale for $120,000. To make things worse, the girl HATED horses. Her mom wanted her to ride and her friends had ponies so she rode. She had some of the best trainers in the STATE. Quit riding to play tennis two months after Finals.

    Then there was the 12 year old that forgot her saddle at the barn the day before the show. It was Friday and the show wasnt till Saturday. The barn was less than an hour away. I would have told the kid to suck it up and if she wanted to school (her push button pony) that bad then do it bareback. No, she was one of the rich kids and her mom bought her a new saddle. Right there. $2000 for a Pessoa to school in.

    Yeah I feel your pain.

  25. I feel your pain! So many people don't realize how lucky they are! You aren't the only one, I'm in the same boat :( I'm 13 now, and I have always wanted a horse or pony from the first time I ever saw one! lol, and the first  time I saw one was when I got a stuffed horse toy when I was like 2! Urgh, I hate how little kids get whatever they want just because their parents have alot of money!

    But just think, at least you aren't one of those spoiled little kids and when you do get your first horse or pony you might just appreciate him/her more cuz you earned it, and didn't just have him/her handed to him/her!

    Good luck!

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