
I know it is a little early, I need some idea's for gag gift for Christmas.?

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Every year my family gets together with some friends from out of town. We play a gift game, you bring 2 gifts, one good gift and one gag gift. I need some idea's for my gag gift. No perverted stuff, there are small children at this party.




  1. coal in the stocking

    Merry Early Christmans


  3. for a gag gift.. maybe old stuff? or peobably things like lame stuff for e.g....chewing gum!

  4. We do this too. Last year there was a 5.00 limit on the gag gift so I bought a 10.00 box of See's candy and ate 1/2 then wraped the rest! Everyone thought it was hysterical.

    Someone else gave a Starbucks card with no $ on it.

    There was also a goldfish in a mason jar wrapped right before the gift exchange. Be sure no one throws that one!!

    A giant bag on super cheap dog food, I mean giant and really cheap!

    a broken coffee mug and a brand new Elmers glue.

    Oh! I almost forgot! One year when it was a 10.00 limit, I gave a TON of #2 pencils!! They were 100 for 1.00 so they got 1000 #2 pencils. The best part was the girl who opened my gift was 7 years old AND SHE WAS THRILLED! It was so cute. What most people would hate, she LOVED!

    Have fun, Merry EARLY Christmas!

  5. Wait until the 23rd of December and go to Rite-Aid, Big Lots, Wal*Mart or any other low-end retailer. You can usually find the red-hot novelty gift of the year before knocked down from $29.95 to 4.95. A couple of years ago it was the "Billy Bass", the rubber fish on a trophy plaque that sang and wiggled his tail. "Cha Cha Santa" would be another example.

    Or, go to a used book store and browse the comedy aisle. Jeff Foxworthy has a book out; so do many other comedians. Three years ago I got a large paperback (quality paperback, to be sure, but paperback) collection of "New Yorker" cartoons, second-hand. I wrapped it up and put a big "ADULTS ONLY" sticker on the front. (Their humor is rather dry; a 6-year old wouldn't get it, so the sticker was accurate, but misleading.)

    Your grocery store will sell you a 1-pound block of lard for a couple of dollars; if not yours, then an ethnic one. True re-fried beans are re-fried in lard, so a grocery that had a large section of Mexican items would stock it.

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