
I know it shouldn't bother me but it does....?

by  |  earlier

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I am a hotel front desk clerk. Someone just asked me what they needed to make a reservation, and I said "If you would like the room, let's start with your name". She said "Well you're rather rude aren't you?"....arg! I wasn't being rude at all and now I'm upset...I know I shouldn't care but it's my job is to be nice and helpful to people which I am, so these comments really hurt!




  1. I think she was excessively sensitive, perhaps looking for something to get offended about.  I don't see anything in the least offensive in what you said.

  2. its how you said it, you should have answered her by saying, I can help you book a room with just a few question, first I need some information, Can I get your name please?. no I done believe it justified her remark, she was being pretty rude herself, and should have just answered your question, I would have thought it rude how you said it but would never have said what she did. I would have given you the chance to continue without judging you, some people talk that way without relizing they are doing so, I do it a lot.

  3. Rude ?  She must have been PMS ing.  Oh my god what a sensitive woman.  I don't think you were rude at all.  You just happened to run into a grouchy/unhappy woman who probably wouldn't have been happy with you even if you would have answered in a different way.  Blow her off and keep doing what you're doing.  There are unhappy people everywhere she is one of them.

  4. You were not being rude and there's no reason for you to be upset.  I've been working in the hotel industry for more than 13 years (including 5 years on Front Desk) and I can tell you that the world is full of people who, no matter what you say or do, will think you're being rude and unhelpful.  The fact that you were upset by this shows that you care about your job and your guests, and that's a good thing.  In time you'll develop the thick skin that is essential to working in any type of service position, and eventually you'll learn to fight back with the greatest weapon of all: a brilliant, warm smile and a genuine, caring attitude.

    You're a duck, that guest is water - just let her roll off your back.

  5. you should have just told her what she needed to do to get the room.

  6. Yeah that's overly sensitive. People don't understand how annoying it is to work in customer service, you ALWAYS have to be super friendly and polite. What you said COULD have been worded better, but I wouldn't label it as "rude".

    You just have to learn to let it roll off your back... just try to forget about it. Look at it as a lesson about how to word things better to customers. That's how you improve at your job, by learning from mistakes (although I wouldn't call what you said a "mistake" but you know what I mean..)

    Once when I was a waitressing, a gentleman ordering a beer got offended that I didn't I.D. him although he was clearly in his 40's. I felt bad at first for a few days but now I look back and laugh at what an idiot he was.

  7. You probably just weren't thinking.  If it was me, I'd have thought you were rude too, but I'm sure you didn't mean to be.  Don't be upset about it, just learn from it and move on.  You could've just said, "well, I'll need your full name, as well as xyz".

    I wouldn't have made that remark, but then I'm a coward.  Maybe she was having a bad day.  Don't let it bother you, you'll never see her again anyway.

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