
I know it sounds bad but why haven't I had a bowel movement?

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I haven't had a bowel movement in 9 days. I haven't changed diet or anything. I haven't had any surgerys, Well I had my wisdom teeth pulled but that was on wednesday, my last bowel movement was sunday and I had diarehea. I'm really scared b/c I heard you can die if you don't have one for a while. I don't uderstand, I haven't even hardly passed any gas. I have no desire or anything to have a bowel movment. My body hasn't even thought about it I guess you can say. Somebody please help. Oh and I've eatin some fiber bars but nothing has helped, should I just take laxatives? I know those are more for constipation and it's not like i'm having problems pooping, I'm just not doing it at all. I don't have medical insurance so I'm looking for some real good advice here. Thank you!




  1. You might want to go see a doctor just to make sure that there isn't any blockage in the miles of intestines. Nine days is a long time to go without a bowel movement.  

  2. try laxatives and see your doctor

    answer mine?

  3. take some senna... its not as harsh as a laxitive.  you can take up to 8 a day until you have a BM.  I have chronic constipation and senna is the only thing that works for me.  you can buy target/walgreens brand pretty cheap.  just be sure to drink enough water.  Good luck

  4. It does sound like you may have a partial bowel obstruction. I would suggest the stool softeners. Keep drinking fluids.Try warm fluids, I think they help a little more than just cool ones. Usually with bowel obstructions people have a bit of pain and/or nausea with it as well. Passing gas is a good thing, if you notice you are passing much less or none at all, you do need to go to the doctor. If I were in your shoes, I would try the fleet and if there are no results from that, go to the doctor.

    Oh and how long ago since you gave birth. I used to work on an L&D/Maternity floor and was surprised by the amount of women who ended up having a bowel obstruction after recently giving birth

  5. If you had diarrhea on sunday it's possible your body was empty and is catching up and has become constipated.

    Try a laxative but don't go overboard on them because your system would rely on it.  I would suggest Dulcolax since it's the one i've used in the past with fairly comfortable success.

    If nothing happens after taking a laxative however you should see a doctor because there could be a blockage.  Don't worry too much though, I've gone several days without a BM due to hormones but it's not really anything serious.

  6. No, do not take a laxative.

    Drink a bottle of Gatorade and then use a Fleet e***a. Only use one e***a. After you have passed stool, keep hydrated with 6 glasses of water per day and stay off of dairy, juices and caffeine for 24 hours.

    If you do not pass stool after the e***a, you need to be seen by a doctor immediately.  

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