
I know it sounds stupid, but how do you say NO?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so are there any tips about saying no to people...

for me it's hard to say no, so i was just wondering how i can do it without upsetting my friends.




  1. There's no need to make a big deal out of it, just say it, and maybe explain your disapproval. Your friends will be cool with it, I swear.

  2. just say u dont wanna  cuz i said i dont wanna end of story

  3.   I find it helpful to start out with, " I wished I could, but I can't this time,  or " Bummer, I have no clean clothes and HAVE to do laundry", If it's someone you like to spend time with, but don't like the activity, politely decline and then offer an alternative when you aren't so busy or tired .  

  4. ~~You have to learn to be assertive! You can say no whenever you want. Just say it politely, but firmly- Sorry, no- that isn't gonna work for me. Maybe another time. It's friendly but to the point.~~

  5. I am sorry, I already have plans.

    I'll get back with you about that, I have some family obligations.

    I think I'll pass on that.

    That stuff makes me throw up, wouldn't want to do it on you.

    I'll be the designated driver.

    That makes me uncomfortable. I think I'll pass. Thanks.

    Please do not allow your friends to determine what you will and will not do. If they are doing things that will keep them from becoming the best individuals they can become, they will be drop outs and losers. You have the opportunity to become more.

    Come join us....we are waiting for you.

  6. You have no obligation to say yes to everything, or to make excuses when you don't want to do something. Just be firm but polite. It's not convenient, I'm not able to do that, I have other plans, etc. It will help if you have an alternative suggestion.

  7. If saying no flat out seems too harsh for you, try saying something similar like "I wish I could, but I just can't right now"; "I'm unable to commit to that at this time"; "Let me think about it and get back to you"; "I'm already busy with something else that day". Remember though, real friends won't get mad at you for saying no. Grow a little bit thicker skin and start saying no when it really counts. It's not a good habit to fall into when you can't say no to those who are important to you.

  8. Consider what it is that you are being asked and don't allow yourself to be put on the spot.  As you are then more likely to say yes to something without having had time to think it through.  If people try to put you on the spot then say "I'll have to get back to you on this" or I'll have to check my diary" etc.

    Be polite, but firm when saying no and don't get into the reasons why you are saying no otherwise people will try to argue away your reasons.  Make people know that when you say "no" you mean "no" and you won't change your decision.  People will respect you for it and people will find it difficult to use you.

  9. Check here:

  10. Obviously it depends what it is you want to say no to. However, you have your own life to live and you can't allow your friends to deny you that right. If your friends get upset, then either they don't really understand you, or they are not very good friends.

    If you don't want to get involved in something they are doing, just tell them politely you are going to sit this one out. If they don't like it, then leave quickly and quietly and don't bother going back.

  11. Don't get pulled into trying to provide the reason for your "no."  If you do, you open the door to let others try to negate your reasons.  A simple, "I wish I could say yes, but I can't," should be sufficient.

  12. Whenever I have to tell someone no I always think of two things:

    How can I make it seem like the person I am saying no to is getting something good?

    How can I make the person I am saying no to feel like they are being helpful?

    (The answer to those two questions is usually a big help to me because it will tell me how to keep my friends and not make them angry...everyone likes to get things and everyone likes to feel helpful)

  13. Tone of voice will make or break a no. Oh and don't forget to smile when you say no. I had a friend that told me years ago you could tell someone to go s***w themselves and get away with it so long as you smile :)

  14. it's hard to say no.  but you have to do what is best for you and if that means saying no, then you have to say no.  after all, you're the one who has to live with the bad choices when it's all said and done.

  15. You have one life.  Please don't live it just not to upset other people.  A lot of my decisions are very unpopular with my friends/family/job. Noone ever stops calling me though.  If they did oh-well You look back at yourself in the mirror every night not your friends.  You have to say no there are lots of people who would never say no to me. And guess what I don't consider them my friends I consider them doormats who enjoy getting told what to do and I am right there to tell them what to do.  Do they talk about me behind my back-why would I care.   This is an edit  "if this has to deal with douing drugs don't even go down that path unless you want to possibly end up a drug addict because if you can't say no to your friends you might do even worse saying no to things more powerful.  And you definatley don't want to have that problem.

  16. When you say it the tone of voice you use must sound that you are serious about what you are saying no to.  

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