
I know its late, but i really need good advice?

by  |  earlier

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This might sound silly to some, but i've cried and prayed about it so hardly tonight.

I'm torn over what to do. Both my parents are in bad physical shape. I'm planned to start medical school this august. Although my dream is to help the poor medically around the world; i feel that a big big big big priority of mine is to take care of my parents. i'm seriously worried something might happen to them as i'm in medical school.

i want to take care of them financially (right now) but working some where and enjoying life with them and not waiting 4 years or more. i would regret if i was in school and something happened to them, and wont forgive myself for it.

i would also regret later on in life if i never purused my dream of helping people as a physican.

i graduated 2 years ago from undergrad and worked hard to start school in august.

i'm scared, and sad. and would really appreciate your advice. please no rude comments or arrogant comments.




  1. I realize that it is a difficult time for u and thus u have to be very careful in making your decisions.

    Consult your parents' doctor about what is more important for them and how can their condition be improved. Maybe a healthcare facility can do a better job at taking care of them.

    Just ask the right people and you will come up with a solution.

    When your dream is big, problems don't matter. I'm sure you will find a way soon. Just ask your parents' doctors or somebody qualified to help you make the right decision. Remember, to every problem there is a solution, all you have to do is find the right people who can help u.

    I know u can do it!!!

  2. Hey man don't panic.

    Do what you wanna do. Go to school, become the next world famous doc and still help your parents. Maybe if you go to a collage thats near where your folks live you can visit and help over the weekends whene your not in class.  Also, Maybe get a part time Job on campus or nearby and send some money to your folks to help the out. Lok man, I know its a priority to you to watch out for our folks, so is Mostly everyone!, Just do what you need to do. DON'T let all that hard work go to waste! I think (i'm quite not sure) That your parents would want you to go to school and make them proud. You can do it man!

    You can go to school and still watch out for your parents. trust me!

    Hey good luck man.

    God bless!

  3. I'm sorry try not to get your self so upset it only makes you feel worse....... i understand the situation and i think i can help. this is a difficult situation but has a sI'mple answer!!!

    im gonna make it short and simple.... your parents have gotten themselves into this mess!!! its not your responsibility to take care of them THEY knew the consequences when they chose what THEY wanted to do with THEIR life. YOU had nothing to do with it!!! we need more great physicians out there working i would but its not my thing... but its YOUR DREAM!! so do your thing!!

    back to the parents if necessary hire someone to help them i mean someone has to bring home the bacon!!-LOL  you sound very caring so take care of your parents for sure but in way so you don't destroy you chances of being a physician which will make alot of money which might help your parents to get help!! trust me your parents rather have you go to medical school than take care of them. and besides ANYTHING can happen to ANYONE at ANY time!!

    please make the right choices do it for PARENTS and YOURSELF. there are some things in life that you just need to do for yourself and trust me your not being selfish!!



    P.S.- remember LIFE'S WHAT YOU MAKE IT as far as the world knows we only live one life so make it right for YOU!! good luck i know you will do the right thing ou have a good head on your shoulders!!

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