
I know its not even close

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to christmas right now but i was wonderin what does santa wear in auss?? lol does he wear short sleeves?? ...i know santa dnt exist but im juss sayin =)




  1. Santa wears his traditional outfit here, but he does swap his reindeer for 6 white kangaroos, that is according to Rolf Harris.  I've never seen them to be honest, but saw some baby reindeer at the local shopping centre last Christmas.  Aww, they were so cute!

  2. lol

    well im an aussie and our "santa" is seen exactly the same as suit, white beard & all


  3. WHAT Santa doesn't exist your kidding oh that's it i've had enough i can't take it anymore i'm in shock why hasn't anyone told me before this i don't believe you your having a go at me. Long live Santa

  4. According to my christmas tree decoration, Santa rides a surfboard with a wife-beater (bonds singlet... an aussie staple statement piece) tucked into his red boardies (board-shorts..obviously). He also carries a stubbie (can of beer) in one hand and holds his hat with the other. Needless to say his cherry red nose would be peeling.  

  5. Our Santa came last year in red suit but with shorts,,on the back of the rural fire brigade truck,,,,at 8 in the morning with lollies and soft drinks for the kids and  beer for the mums and dads !

  6. I live in the tropical North, and santa often wears a modified red suit...i.e. shorts....with thongs instead of boots......he still has hat and beard....but sometimes rides a camel or jet ski or helicopter.

  7. Santa wouldn't be Santa without the full gear but air conditioning helps.

  8. He wears the same thing coz of the stereotype.. Plus, he only ever appears in broad daylight in shopping centers which are usually air conditioned which means he can probably get away with all the baggy clothing lol.

  9. Santa is magic.  The heat cannot affect him.

  10. lol the aussie santa wears normal santa clothes...  

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