
I know its sounds babyish but its not.

by  |  earlier

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try this game please dont click off it its atually hard for me and im 13 i carnt find the G please play and post some good comments thanks.

you will be put off by the begining but please play its quayt hard.




  1. That was cute and definitely not easy lol.

  2. yes it's hard! once i started i couldnt stop lol but i dont get how some1 younger could get any of those!

  3. i found the G! its in the monkeys ear, that game is mint!

  4. That game is pretty hard...I had to find like four more letters. Which, I finally found! You are right that is a hard game. Just one question, how in the world did you find this game? Please don't take that comment the wrong way! Have fun!

  5. Its int eh monkeys ear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. ya. it is hard! surprisingly. lol. plz pick me as best answer!

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