
I know most people don't believe that 23 Minutes in h**l is real but for anyone who does.....?

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Can you tell me if it has affected your life at all? Does it make you want to change your life and your actions at all? Please tell me what you think about it...




  1. well, i believe in it! and, i wonder a lot of things (thats y im psychic), and y not read about the dude who went to heaven instead!

  2. Jesus spoke about h**l in the Bible numerous times...

    The  book  "23 Minutes in h**l" is  true..

    When you have NOT been taught about h**l

    and land INSTANTLY

    change into what you are mean't to be.....

    Its quite  a wake up call...To say the least...

    Just because you were not taught about h**l growing up and going to a main stream protestant church.....(NOT the h**l fire and brimstone scare the h**l out of you kinda church..)

    Doesn't mean it does NOT exist...

    That was the case with me...

    I was never taught about h**l and landed there...

    My mother woke me up while i was screaming and trying to get out of there....It was awful!!!!

    Its NO FUN.. and it makes you realize that your life is for giving to others all the gifts and qualities you have been born with  to share....

    Most people after that experience do just that...

    Things that used to be important aren't....

    Also the kind of people you  were  hanging around that were TOXIC or destructive are no longer interesting and you do not want to associate with them at all.....much less waste any of your life being around such bad influences..

    You get busy living....not existing....

    And thanking God you were  given a second chance to make something out of your life and not condemned to stay in h**l for eternity...

    Enjoy the book...It's NOT fiction..Its real and has happened to a lot more people that the one in that book....

    Check out "To h**l and Back" that also has documentation  of people who have experienced h**l and were NEVER taught about it....

  3. I saw that, and it affected my life.  For the worse - now I'm even more wary of these people at the podiums, spreading a story for love offerings.  It conflicts with the stories and descriptions in the Bible.  Not to get religious, but it does!  The rich man and Lazarus Bible story contradicts it in a way, for starters: how come the rich man could not just call on Jesus and get out for a drink?

    So to see this man, who appeared to be religious in the first place, say he went to h**l, I don't think it's possible.  I think he had a seizure or a night terror _or_was_possessed_, and saw some other place.  It could be that demons are showing false information for him to spread their false doctrines, under the illusion of a God-sent experience.  Apparently he had a decent visit in h**l, did not get sodomized by demons like he describes what they do.  There are no guest rooms in h**l, and it's too dark to see anything, I think is how it really is, not his description of seeing things.  No burnings either in his description, wow.  

    Interesting also to see how he never gets invited for a look-see into Heaven.  Probably because his inviters were not allowed there either.  I want pictures and art of his experience.  I think he just had one too many jalepenos on his enchilada and had a bad dream.

  4. I've been with some really really evil people (who didn't seem evil at the time). Later I felt like I'd been in h**l...and experience horrible horrible things. Strange how they were able to deceive me. I NEVER would have believed they were like that..or were capable of the things they did..or that I would have not been able to realize what they were doing. I've never recovered from I kinda still feel like I'm in h**l. You can't imagine how it changes you. I never knew hate before. "Forgiveness" has a whole new meaning. There are some things not worthy of forgiveness. No..I'm not a "better person" for having experienced it. I feel like my soul has been "burned". Hard to explain.

  5. Fear isn't good and doesn't bring permanent or meaning full change. Faith is so much more positive thing to focus on and it will motivate you to change, from the inside out. Carefull - don't slip into religion, makes mess with your head. Get a book "Feel the fear and do it anyway" by Susan Jeffers!!!!!

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