
I know my wife is cheating on me but I don't really care?

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I feel like I might be doing something wrong.

My wife works at an art gallery and I know for a definite fact that she is having an affair with one of the artists who has his work there.

But the thing is- I don't really care. I don't hate my wife, but I don't love her either. She can do whatever- I couldn't care less. I don't want a divorce. My wife's family is very rich and we live comfortably because of them. (I work for her father's company.)

So do you think I'm doing something wrong?




  1. I think your concern for doing something wrong stems from the fact that you're (A) not pissed off that your wife is s******g around, (B) and worried that maybe you caused her to look elsewhere (emotional, physical or whatever).

    If you're happy in th situation, then fine.  But don't be surprised if one day your wife comes home and serves you with divorce papers.  Things like this can't go on just doesn't work that way in today's society.

  2. dude whyd u marry her???divorce if ur in it for the money man thats why some men r sooooo ickk!!!!!seriously dude 1st go to a dr. and get a brain scan cz obviously somethins wrong all right!!!your brain....seriously in it for money marriage is supposed to b a beautiful thing and people like this ruin it!!!

  3. Well... That could work to your advantage. But the ultimate answer is, if you don't care that shes' with someone else you may as well just leave.

  4. You make me think of an issue that I was concerned about. A cheating wife has finally his advantages : it turns some of the men into philosophers.

  5. Well, I suppose it's wrong on both accounts.  You're apathetic...hardly the word to describe a thriving marriage, and she's a cheater.  I can understand your desire to stay on the gravy train, but perhaps you should ask your wife if she really is cheating.

    I don't think it's right or wrong, but it seems like a pretty poor way to manage a relationship.

  6. You must care if you are asking this question.  It's wrong what your wife is doing but if you don't have a problem with's really no one elses business.  

  7. Yes, you're doing something very wrong, as is she though.

    she's probably cheating on you BECAUSE of your "i don't give a s**+* attitude"

    and you staying with her bcuz you want her parents money?

    whats wrong with you?

  8. Well, i don't think money is a great reason to stay with someone - but thats just me.  Wouldn't you rather get a divorce and date, possibly marry a good woman that you will love  - who knows how you will be financially (who cares) as long as you're happy. Money isn't everything you know. Yes you do need it, but love is the most important.

  9. your life too.

    Besides...artists are usually 2 quarts short of a gallon so she may find she'll have her hands full with that one.

  10. Well, yes.  I don't mean to be rude.  You would take money over happiness?  She clearly doesn't love you anymore either.  Why don't you want a divorce?  You are cheating yourself.  You should go and find someone who will love you (that you love back of course) and replace money.  You can't take money with you when you die.  You will ultimately choose, but you must be unsure if you are asking.  In my opinion, you should get a divorce and find someone who will make your life so fulfilled you don't care about money.

    I am Christian, so I will answer in part as such.  Do you think this is what the Lord wants for you?  

    Good luck!

  11. You Guys Dont Love Eachother Get A Divorce.

    But If You Wanted Too You Could Ask Her To Stay Friends.

  12. Obviously you dont love her, or else you would be bothered by this.  Another thing, I guess she probably knows that you dont love her and that is why she is having the affair.  Soon you will be out of a job and the other guy will be in your shoes.  Better start packing now!!!

  13. It's your life, and ultimately your decision. The only thing you're doing that could be considered "wrong" is sacrificing your true happiness for money - but if that's your decision, who is anyone else to say whether it's right? Obviously your wife is having her needs fulfilled (albeit on the side), so as long as you're not leaving her neglected, don't worry about it.

    Although ... I do agree with the others, I would definitely take extra precautions to have safe s*x if I were you!

  14. You do not expect us to take this a factual do you.

    You have simply cleaned up the Frankster's shtick about his trust fund and his lovely Moo Moo and have tried to make it sound plausible.

    Really, try to be original and come up with your own story.

  15. What's the problem?  Oh yeah, your wife is cheating on you!  What the fukc.  Go out and get you some, my man.

  16. If you're really happy with your life, then I guess it doesn't matter!  Maybe you just aren't giving her enough excitement, if you know what I mean?  Or maybe she has a problem with your marriage, in which case you should be talking to her, not Yahoo!

  17. Nope, if you don't care and she obviously doesn't care because she hasn't filed for a divorce then fine I guess.  Morally you are wrong because you are only with her because of money but again, if you don't care then you are fine.  

  18. Whatever rocks your boat. If you're still having s*x with her, you should probably get tested for stds.

  19. I would get evidence just in case of any future issue.  Hey if you don't care why should anyone else.  Also since she's already having an affair, are you, do you want to?  Maybe you should discuss having an open marriage after you have evidence in hand cuz who knows she may divorce you anyway and take all of Daddy's money with her.  Honesty is the best policy but not always so great for the bank account.

  20. Many couples take this same approach. As long as she doesn't flaunt it in front of you or embarrass you in public, why not let her have her fun? You might want to subtly hint to her that you know and that its ok.


  21. I think that you are both being short changed.  Your wife is clearly not happy and you don't seem to have  passion or commitment either.  You sound as though you are really married to her family's money.  So are you just lazy or are you a gigolo?  Maybe your wife would like a MAN, not  a parasite; and maybe a dose of self respect would do you a world of good.  You need to shake off your apathy and start living.  

  22. It's evident that you are staying in the marriage for the money.

    U seem very confused about this situation, if i don't care then u don't have to ask are u doing something wrong. Technically both of y'all are wrong. she's cheating, and u are in it for the money. y'all have a marriage where u can have your cake and eat it to. WHAT A WASTE OF TIME!!

  23. You would probably appreciate life more if you went out there and found someone you truly love.

    Everyone has there perspectives on life though.

  24. Its your life.  If this is how you want to live it, go for it.  Honestly though, life is too short to stay in an unhealthy relationship just because your wife has money.

  25. Where are all the women who say you are supposed to divorce her???? If you said you are having an affair they would be screaming for you to leave her!!!!

  26. Open relationships always end bad. if she or you fall in love with other people you will be miserable.If you can and her can live this way then to each his own. Dont bring any kids into a loveless marriage , and if you ask me money and comfortable life style in the long run just isn't worth losing yourself worth and respect. Stand like a man , be strong.

  27. yes your doing something wrong. why are you so careless? your WIFE is having an AFFAIR. how can you not care. you dont even love her? why the H3LL are you even married to her then.

    its like your just using her because her family is rich. thats just sad. GET A LIFE.

    start caring or just get a divorce and find someone else.

  28. You said yourseld that you don't love your wife. It could just be that the spark has ended and she needs excitement. You could spice things up and see if that works, but if you really don't care then you don't really need to do anything.

    However, if she knows that you know, you should probably do something. If she knows you don't care it could cause some issues.

  29. Nope she is in the wrong, if you can accept that she is doing this than thats your personal choice. you shouldn't feel guilty about anything unless you cheat too in which case I guess that wouldn't make me feel guilty now that she does.

  30. open relationships are fairly common nowadays.

    I think you should have a conversation with your wife to see where she's at. If she doesn't want to leave you either, then I don't see why you would have to divorce. If it's fine with you both, have fun!

    It's your life, do what feels comfortable, but I don't think you should be worrying whether you're doing something wrong... talk about it and see where it goes.  

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