
I know nausea is a symptom, but what about my stomach feeling all bubbly, and gassy, with diarrea? ?

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My husband and I had s*x 7 8 and 9 days after my period last month. I should be starting in about two days or so. I have been having a really upset stomach, but it isn't nausea. It is like a gassy feeling, and like I have to use the restroom, and have diarrhea. But when I try to go, I can't. This is only when I wake up until a little bit after lunch. Could this be a symptom of pregnancy??




  1. It could be...get a hpt and find out.  My friend has symptoms like that but it was just the first few weeks.  Good luck!

  2. I had stomach issues when I was pregnant with my daughter. I don't think they started that early but I know for sure when I was about 8 wks along. You can take one of those early detection pregnancy tests. It may come up positive if you are. If it doesn't come back positive and you miss your period take another one. The HCG will double every day in the beginning. So it may take a bit for the test to come up positive. Good luck!

  3. It could be or just a stomach bug.Take an hpt you can get one that is intended for use before your period or just wait and see if your period comes and if it doesnt take the hpt.If you test before your period use your fmu!

  4. Changes in your bowel movements can be an early sign of pregnancy, as for being gassy, i think this would happen more around 6-7wks and not this early.  Why not try an early HPT  

  5. I'm about 6 1/2 weeks and I've been having lots of diarrhea and when I'm not diarrheal I've got constipation.

    I don't know if this is normal but I'm in the same boat.

  6. maybe.. i have those symptoms and im preggo

  7. maybe he gave you an STD

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