
I know nothing about the stock market.?

by Guest60130  |  earlier

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can someone please give a me advice on what i should read into specifically so that i can improve my knowledge base on the stock market and also i would like to know if it takes allot of money to begin investing and gaining profits.




  1. You can start with mastering some basics trading,open an account with on line brokers, especially one with virtual trading where you can practice without putting real money into it, like

    Then decide weather you want to teach yourself how to trade  or learn from expert. If you want to master it yourself, then this can take time and money, I'll say at least a few thousands, and possibly take a few weeks to months to master them.

    But if you can follow other people order, buy and sell when instructed, then this won't cost much. In fact one site I came across, only cost you $ 47 for their recommendations. Although these are penny stocks, people have made lots of money on them including beginners.

    I don't mean to advertise, but I am writing a website on stock trading. Although it's not finished yet, there are enough in formations for you to look at and begin trading.It covers from basic to advanced trading,based on my and other experts experience.Click on the link below.

    Click on penny stocks page if you want once you know the stock trading basics and follow their recommendations to make money.  

  2. Subscribe to Fortune and Money magazines or read them at your public library.  There are many good books on the subject.

    If I were just starting out knowing what I do now, I'd put my first $1000 in Vanguard STAR and add monthly ($50 minimum, I  believe).  This is a conglomerate of funds that is balanced all by itself.  It is not flashy but it is steady and will serve you well.  The fees are very low and there is no sales charge.

    You can read a lot of interesting information at their website.  There are several other no-load mutual fund families that are also good.

  3. If you are new to the stock market, some research is necessary to be done on your part.

    The following articles might be helpful to you:

  4. To make a large profit you will have to invest alot of money. Most stocks dont go up real fast, some do, if you only want to invest a thousand dollars and the stock you want to buy is $20 a share you can only buy 5 shares, if that stock goes up $10 (not likely unless you get lucky) you will only mak $50. There are other ways to invest like the foriegn exchange market, which is much more profitable, and most sites give you a practice account so you can get the hang of it before you start putting real money in it.

    Here is a link to a 100% FREE ebook that contains 4 differnt methods to getting paid online, affiliate marketing, the forex system, paid surveys, and selling things on ebay. This book is not extremly long like most of these ebooks, it is short and gets straight to the point, and its FREE, you cant beat that.

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