
I know peolpe who have very much died and come back to life but they saw nothing. HAs anynoe out there have?

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it was my mom I was very little so i want to learn more about it




  1. A friend of mine dies of stomache cancer. She kept goign in and out of conciousness for several days. She kept telling us really cool things that were neat like.."Everything is sparkly!" and "You won't beleive that the streets are REALLY gold!" and she kept asking if it was thursday yet. She smiled a lot. She "died" for about 10 minutes and came back once and tld them that there were people she knew at the end of the tunnel of light. She died on a thursday morning. Her kids believe she was being given glipses of heaven.

    There is a book called  "90 Minutes in Heaven: A True Story of Death & Life"

    by Don Piper (Author), Cecil Murphey (Author)

    Don Piper was in a horrific car accident and had technically been "dead" for 90 minutes when he came back to life. This is his story.

    Another person you might want to research is a psychiatrist by the name of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. While she was living (she dies in 2004, I think.)she did her life's work researching death and dying. She has a lot of interresting things that she learned,. and wrote a lot of books on the subject and the phenomenon of it all. Good luck and have an adventure learning about ths major part of life!

  2. Some say near death experiences are simply caused by a release of chemicals from  a "dying" brain in the final minutes of life, when stress on the body causes it to fail.  These chemically-induced "highs" might be mistaken for death experiences.

    Yet other peopl seem to have extremely vivid experiences, containing  elements that seem impossible to simply "make up" in one's head.

    It's up to you to determine what you believe in.  Although one thing is for sure-whatever happens, a lot of people feel at peace in the final moments of life :)

  3. my friend's dad had a heart attack and was dead for several minutes.. they did the paddle thing on him and brought him back..

    my friend said he did not see anything while he was dead..

    my father in law passed on may 22nd from cancer....the 2 days before he passed he was definitely seeing something..

    it was like he was on a journey or reliving his life from childhood to the present.

    sadly , the only way to know for sure is to die.

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