
I know people loathe her personality, but does anyone else agree she is too thin?

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Being 5'6'' and almost 16 (an age where most girls have reached their full height), don't you think she is a bit thin? In Seventeen Magazine she says that Disney makes sure she stays thin because being curvy isn't the right image for Hannah Montana. Isn't this really unhealthy?




  1. As of right now I think she looks fine, but if she got any thinner it could be a problem. The fact that Disney is controlling her eating and exersicing is a bit out of hand, I realize that it may not be in the show's best intrest for her to have curves, but it's not in her best intrest to be scarry skinny. I personally don't like her, but obviously Disney cares more about the $$$ from the viewers than they care about their actors/actresses. People say she is a bad influence because of her racy photos (which I agree she is) but if Disney wasn't putting so much pressure on her to look and act a certain way, then she may not have rebelled in the way she did. I think she's a horrible actress/singer but i do feel bad for her sometimes, Disneys controlling her life, her dad's using her for fame, her brothers on drugs, she just broke up with Nick Jonas (though I'm happy about that, a breakups never easy) and to top it all off she has the entire world watching her every move, she has to be majorly stressed out.

  2. ya im no fan but i say she is wayyyyyy to thin i wonder what she eats!!

  3. Why should we care? We're not her or anyone who knows her personally so it really has no affect on us at all.

  4. no that is not thin

    and who cares anyway?  

  5. that girl is just way too mad skinny! and hopefully that whole bit about disney making stay that thin- is a lie... because that is just terrible for someone to be that thin... it's not a good image for girls to pick up.

  6. I agree she's too thin, but I don't care for her at all so I really don't care if she's unhealthy.

  7. No.

    I think she's fine.

    Besides, it's not like she does crash diets or anything.

    She works out. She EXERCISES.

    I think that's a GOOD thing for kids to pick up.

    And about Disney making her stay thin: Have you seen Raven Symone? I don't think that's true, because Raven was nothing close to skinny, and yet her show is still running on Disney.

  8. I think she is average.  I don't worry about what effect her image may have on her fans, I worry more about her personality.

  9. i don't think she's too bad

  10. Dude, she's NOT curvy at all. I read that stupid seventeen article and she was trying to say she had big b***s and was really curvy when I'm her age and actually have curves and I'm skinny too. Anyway she's at a decent weight as far as health is concerned. It really could go either way it seems, she could get really fat or really skinny at any time.

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