
I know people say it but is it true?

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Okay, so i know that people say stuff like "You need to let your anger" and "You shouldn't bottle it up inside" all the time. Well, I'm really good at hiding my emotions.. my best friend died and i came to school the next day and all my best friends couldn't even tell anything was wrong. I never let anyone see what I'm thinking and i just pretend that I'm okay and happy so no one else has to worry about me. No one can tell the difference between me as happy as i always am and if I'm breaking down, depressed, and thinking about killing myself as soon as I get home.. Is that bad, wrong, or unhealthy?




  1. Going by what you have said, you feel it is not right and indeed it is not right. You need to let your feeling out. It is okay to feel vulnerable and show our emotions. We are built that way as humans, crying and letting out our emotions is healthy and a natural process to heal our souls. You may find that the more you let your emotions out, the better you may deal with all your thoughts. Besides, you will not build healty relationships when you hide your emotions.  

  2. I was like you up to 4 years ago, when I met the girl of my dreams, I always hid myself into my own mask, I embedded emotions deep inside not letting them out, people would have never noticed who I was, if I was mad or sad, happy or lonely, until she appeared, I have changed a lot, now I cant stop crying when sad things make me feel depressed.

    I think is not healthy for yourself and for the ones that surround you, when you are sad, you want people to cheries you, when you are mad, you dont want to talk to noone, when you are happy you want to have people with you enjoying the moment.

    I think its better to break free, anyways at some point or another all those feelings trapped have to go somewhere, just like a big balloon of watter, when there is no more space, it will explode and in our case, I dont want to be near you... you will reach the ends peak of your capacity to hold your emotions, to hide them and will break up in front of anyone, thats not the best thing to do.

    Go to a friend, go to a doctor, talk to him, look for a psycologist... open up your mind and your heart, its unhealthy to do that... hope you can understand soon, before the valve breaks up.

  3. Im do the same things......but my friends say it is bad for me....but sometimes i feel like there wrong........tlk to a counsellor and ask them it might help :D

  4. i ddont think its that bad... bt i do think ud feel bad if u let other ppl in... if no one knows anthing is wrong no one can be there for you, and having someone there for you is so great... i think u should start letting people in,.. litle by litle

  5. I think its really all about how you feel. Do you feel like you need to talk about it? Will it change how you feel about it if you "let it out"?? Everybody deals with grief in a diffrent way.....I am a lot like you. When my mom was killed I cried when I first found out and then after I cried that one time I didn't cry anymore about it. I felt like I was completely in shock. I walked everyone up to the casket at the funneral and didn't even shed one tear. It felt like if I talked about it anymore or cried about it, it would all still be the same...she would still be gone.

    I say it's up to you if you want help with your grief or not. It's been almost 12 yrs. since she died and I still think about it all the time but, I am not so hurt as I was about it. I cry a little sometimes when I catch myself in that moment of remmbering her, but, I still do not get highly emotional. I don't think I need anyone's advice or help to "get me through." but, that's how I like it.

    Sometimes I think that the best person to understand how one is feeling is themself.

    If you feel messed up like you want to kill yourself that's a normal feeling we all get sometimes. Life and Death are still great mysteries to people and their is really no perfect way to deal with the problems or hurt it can all bring. I don't think anyone can understand how someone feels about a situation unless they are dealing with the problem too. Some people say they hate their moms and would not care if they died! but, I loved my mom and almost thought that without her their was nothing left! You can not expect people to know how you feel about something if you do not want to talk about it, but, I feel like telling someone about my problem gives them some sort of right to judge me or give me advice and I am the kind of person who would rather deal with it on my own. I think someone who hates their mom would not understand my pain at all, so how could they try and help me??? right??

    Anyways what I am trying to say is, if you want the advice and help then say how you are feeling and recieve some advice, it may make you feel better or see something in another person's point of veiw. If you do not want that then you just do what I do, Deal with it on your own, you can find happiness in any situation if you try!

    In my situation with my mother, I have thought of it like this, I am greatful to have had such a lovely caring and generous teacher and guide through my younger years of life, and a lot of people do not even have a mother in their life at all.....I am Lucky. So, that makes me happy.

    I hope you find your happiness too, and  I think you can do that without some person's possibly not so helpful advice added onto your grief. You are okay, you just need to sort out your feelings with yourself. I wish you the best.

  6. Yes, it is true. People who know you will wounder was that person theres your best friend? The way you are acting I do not think so.It has to come out and you must do it in a non disstructive  way.  Your best friend would you to go on and have a good life even with out him. He would not want bad thing to happen to you just because he is gone.Think of it this way. He is in a better place now. He has no pain and suffering. He is in Gods hands now.He will have eternal peace. He had completed his mission here on earth as God had intended so God took  him, home. You still have work to do here.  Pray and God will help you through this. I hope this will help you through your time of grief. Good Luck and May God be with YOU.

  7. its soo natural to let your anger out i lost my friend too

    i felt the same

    I got help by talking to a counselor

    it seems lame but like what ever they really can help you out


  8. Omg I'm exactly the same, I show my anger through other ways and noone ever knows I'm uspet/angry/depressed. Yes it apparently is unhealthy, but I tried being more open with everybody, including my parents and yes I found it really difficult, but it sure helped me with my problems. My friend always says; "a problem shared is a problem halved." Your better off telling someone! x

  9. Yes you should let out your anger because it's not good for you to keep it all in possibly leading to psychological problems. However, when you do let it out, make sure it's in control and that you do not do anything too crazy.

  10. I don't think that anyone can classify that as being 'wrong' because we'll all different: individuals will respond differently to the same situation. Although most individuals would find bottling everything in as being draining and negative, you might find it otherwise.

    The most important thing is asking yourself if you're happy. If you are, then great, keep on doing it. If you're not, then change.

    Good luck =)

  11. yes it is unhealthy. try talking to a counselor at school. they'll keep it anonymous- and they can offer you help with coping. I really hope you feel better!

  12. I think you should talk to someone,someone that you can trust.Going through something like that is difficult but you can keep what you feeling a secret coz in the end your emotions are going to eat you up.If you cant talk to you friends or you think they wont understand speak to an adult that you feel comfortable with and maybe ask them to get you professional help.This is very unhealthy for you and it will effect you more if you dont deal with it now.

  13. First of all I want to say I'm deeply sorry for your loss.  Next, I struggle with a similar issue as you..keeping my emotions hidden.  It's not always a good thing.  I encourage you to go to someone close to you (if u have someone) and talk with them about your loss/your feelings about that, etc.  If you don't possibly chat with someone on here, anything, something to have a vent for your feelings.  So much massive life changing emotions/events building up/occurring can be unhealthy whether it be physically draining you or mentally changing your personality.  I've held things in my hold life and only until recently have I started to talk to someone close to me.  It's hard I know but worth finding a way.  It's easier for me to write.  Maybe it is u too.  Please try to talk with someone.  Anyone.  Your not alone by any means.


  14. Bad, wrong and unhealthy is the correct answers. What do you think caused these kids that have done all of these horrible school shootings. Mental cases with no one to talk too. Man, get sh-t off your chest anyway you can by talking to someone. Your doing a great job by starting here and releasing some of it already. Growing up is one of the hardest things I had to do. What I mean by this is when I was going to school and living with my parents and having no control over my life. Just take some deep breaths and relax every time you feel stressed. Go for a walk, skip rocks on the water or whatever it takes you to get your mind off whats troubling you. Some days I was stressed and didn't even know what was causing it. Sharing your problems and thoughts with people who care about you will help you also. I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. Losing anyone is hard no matter what age you are. You need to find a way that is best for you when it comes to releasing anger. Just don't take it out on other people, animals or yourself. Taking your own life is the most selfish thing a person can do. In time with help from someone or yourself through looking for answer's, things will get better for you. We all go through hardships in our lives wether we like it or not. My way just happens to be believing in the bible and what God's promise is to us. I recently went through cancer  and was told 2 weeks before my wedding day. We canceled everything and gave away as much as we could. We finally married a yr later to the day. I'm not telling you to go to church and do all the silly stuff that I think is a little strange, but to just find a bible and start reading it. There's much truth in the bible, more than I ever thought. I'm 43 yrs old and I still have issues with everyday living. I haven't had a job for 2 yrs now and no one will hire me due to my cancer. I have a clean bill of health from the doctor and I'm cancer free, but still no one will hire me. I was a Chef for 8 yrs and just before I got sick, other businesses were calling me at work to come work for them instead. I went from a sought after Chef to nothing in no time at all and it wasn't even my fault. I don't let it get me down though. I know that God has a plan for me and when the time is right, The job I'm after will appear. So my new friend, keep the faith that you'll get through this hardship your going through and in time things will get better. Keep your chin up and cheer up.

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