
I know "Taps" is played, but is it appropriate to include other music, at a military funeral? ?

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I know "Taps" is played, but is it appropriate to include other music, at a military funeral? ?




  1. yes. i think so. unless the military was his/her whole life and they would never leave even if it meant dying or something. then, only taps would be better

  2. Of course not  

  3. No, absolutely not. We recently had a funeral for my grandfather who was in World War II and only played Taps.  It was very emotional.

  4. Of course it is appropriate. A funeral doesn't have to be controlled by a set of rules. If there is another song that the deceased liked, or applies to his or her life, go for it. It will be more memorable to everyone. But do keeps "Taps" in there. That song means more to me, and most Vets, than any other as it is for us only.

  5. try Grillz, by nelly

  6. I'd play "Who Let the Dogs Out?" by the Baha Men.  

  7. Yes, I have heard the song Amazing Grace played on bagpipes its Amazing to hear.Taps was also played  on the bugle at the end of the ceremonies.

  8. That is a good question being a veteran myself I would not like it the only one I would want played would be "Taps" nothing else.

    But if you are talking about at the funeral home of course it is ok your are remembering that person's

    life and how they lived as well as what they liked including music, but at the cemetery only "Taps" is appropriate bottom line.

  9. I'm not going if they don't play the Marine's Hymn at my funeral!

  10. of course it is... just because it's a military funeral doesn't mean they don't deserve good music.

  11. Yes. At Navy military funerals they often play the Navy Hymn. I've also heard the hymn "On Eagles' Wings" played at Air Force funerals. Both of them quite appropriate.

    Most people don't know it, but we also have a National Hymn. It's entitled "God of Our Fathers (Whose Almighty Hand)". About the only time you hear it now is at Knights of Columbus' events. But, it is a stirring hymn and should be played more often.

  12. I think in some cases they play Amazing Grace, I'm not 100% sure though.

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