
I know some themes are, but who thinks that nearly every entrance in the WWE sounds like the superstar is... ?

by Guest60747  |  earlier

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singing it.

Examples are Edge, Randy Orton and Matt Hardy's where it is not the supersar singing it but it still sounds like them.




  1. shawn michaels sings his own.

  2. randy orton's old one did sound like him but wasn't and hbk sings his own  

  3. Yeah i know Used to think that too. But idk. Man. Hbk too and triple hhh. Orton doesnt sound like thatthough hardy yeah.

  4. I think that too as well, also stuff like Rey Mysterios theme surely he sings some of that and John Cena raps in his theme song!

  5. Dumb, you obviously must have never heard them speak if you think Randy Orton's themes sound like he is singing it. OR edge, OR Matt Hardy

  6. Randy Orton's music sounds nothing like his voice.

  7. yeah i know what you mean

    listen to mr kennedys music

    it sounds like him singing

    i think the one that sounds like the superstar the most is shelton benjamins

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