
I know someone who is living with an illegal mexican. Should I call the authorities?

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this person is dating a someone i know, and that someone told me that their boyfriend came BACK illegally after being deported already.. so quit callint me names and acting like i'm a normal moron who posts stupid questions. I just have been struggling with the moral and legal aspects of it.




  1. Do not rush into a decision. In South Florida, many people have illegal immigrants who live in the house and are maids/nannies who are very nice/hardworking people who send money back to their families where they are from. I do not support illegal immigrants, but after knowing a few, I would not rush into a decision that could potentially ruin not only their life, but their family's lives as well.

  2. no i mean does it bother u...i mean the only reason why everyone has a problem wit illegal immigrants here in the us is because ya'll are mad that they come to the us to work hard and make all the money they can.cause all of mexicans illegal or legal they are the main people in this world that work hardest then any other race u all are just jelous which is stuped

  3. definitely, we need to report as many of these criminals as possible, I feel it's every Americans duty to rid this country of illegal invaders!!

    Report and Deport!!

  4. yes you should who knows what he can do in this  country .im a mexican myself but im gonna have to say the best thing to do is call the the other day i was in mexico and there was a guy who got pulled over by for patrol cars because he snuck into elpaso and it must have been bad so plase call the authorities!

  5. Yes.  Do it today before they bring a child into the mess who will have to watch mom or dad being hauled away by immigration one day.  Save a child the grief of dealing with selfish parents.

  6. Nah, it'll just cost us Americans more money to deport someone who will get amnesty eventually anyway.

  7. I can't wait to see the looks of desperation on illegals faces when they realize Amnesty will never happen again.

  8. yes, call the authorities, they won't do anything....

  9. HA HA!

    Did you use your "Acme Immigration Status Check Spy Kit" to determine that person is illegally here?

    Call your moma!

  10. YES, Please do.

  11. NO.....

  12. Yes, we are sick of these people mooching off our country.

  13. why just because they werent born here? wow thatd eliminate a lot of people out of the country, who would do those jobs? americans wont they're either over educated or too lazy and are collecting assistance. i work with them all the time and they work hard to be here and earn a living. they are no more a threat to you than your other neighbors. use your head and heart.

  14. Many people who enter illegally or stay illegally do so simply because  they think they have no other choice.  Immigration law is very complicated, and immigration lawyers are very expensive.  

    There are two ways for this man to quit being illegal.  1) he can leave 2) he can learn how & gain the financial resources to do things legally.  

    If you are bothered that he is illegal and you want to change that, you can go with either of the two options.  I would suggest that you help them figure out how to do things legally.  Doing that is a heck of a lot harder than simply reporting him, I know.  But it is a much more positive thing to do... for you, and for them, and (in my opinion) for the country in general.

  15. yep

  16. YES

  17. If it makes you feel better and you think its a right thing to do, of course call the autorities. There are although few chances only they will do anything about it, cause there are so many of them, but who knows.

  18. If you knew someone was living with a bank robber, would you report them? An identity thief?

    Report crimes and those who commit them. It is the patriotic thing to do.

  19. no then u would be a total SNITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Yes, I would call the authorities.  Sure, some will argue that they are here to work and send money back to their own families, but they also are a drain on our economy and there are a lot more of them that just like to collect all the benefits that they can, and want to do nothing for the country giving them the benefits.

  21. It's not going to do any good unless you live in Prince William County, Virginia where the authorities actually take illegal immigration seriously.  But then again, it can't hurt to try!

  22. You can call the USCIS and report this, but they may not come.

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