
I know someone who just had a baby and now she's pregnant again should she keep it?

by  |  earlier

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She 's married and her son is 3 months




  1. i was pregnant when my first was 4 months old, wasn't planned but it happens, they're 8& 9 now and are so close- almost twins, i only have two, and although a bit hard at the time i don't know how people have them so far apart- once nappies where over, they where over- sleepless nights etc etc- how do you go back to that after 5 years, no reason not to keep it really and one hundred and one to keep it

  2. tell her to loose her husband

    not the baby

  3. Why is it any of your business?

    If you aren't the one who is pregnant then your opinion doesn't matter.

  4. why not?

  5. Of course, why wouldn't she?  It happens to many women.  Why should she get rid of it?

  6. Of course she should keep it....why wouldn't she?

  7. What does being married have to do with keeping a baby?..My friend has a 5 month old and she found out she was pregnant 3 weeks ago and she wasn't married so does that mean she should get rid of her baby? Thats what your question sounds like..and besides its none of your business its not like you are the one who's pregnant so the only opinion that matters is your "friend"

  8. i course she should, that means her baby will have a little brother or sister to play with.

  9. If she is married and has family/friend support then absolutely she should keep it.  The same thing happened to my brother and his wife and those boys are the best of friends.  It will be challenging but she needs to keep it and be more careful next time.

  10. if she wants it she should keep it if the husband is going to act like that it would be better off for your friend and her kids if he left

  11. I think only your freind can make this sort of decision.

  12. if i were her i would have the baby but i would get rid of the

    husband!! any man who says "get rid of it or i'm leaving" is

    an a***hole and not worth wasting any time with, if she

    has a termination because he blackmails her she will regret it in the future and the marriage will fall apart, the only one who

    can make that decision is her, if the husband was a decent

    man he would support her, not give her ultimations, if he

    didn't want her to get pregnant he should have discussed it

    with her and taken precautions.

  13. aBSOLUTELY, but why are u asking

    BYE BYE hubby if he can't man up!

  14. Personally I think she is crazy to have a another baby so fast!...She just gave birth...gosh, why doesnt she want to have her body back for herself. It is going to be hard to raise a young baby and be pregnant at the same time!!!

    Hope things work out for her and her husband.

  15. first of all, doesnt your friend know about birth control?

    if her husband is that much of a jack a$$ then she should have left him a long time ago and definitely shouldnt have gotten pregnant with him a SECOND TIME.

  16. Well firstly I'm not sure whether it's really a topic that anyone but the pregnant person should be asking about, it really does seem that you're sticking your nose in a bit....however you could just be seeking out other opinions on her behalf too.....who knows?

    My first two children were born only 13 months apart, it's not all sunshine and happiness.  It's bloody hard work having two so young and dependant on you.  Not that I would have given either of them up, I'm just making sure you understand that, although being blessed with healthy children, it still comes with double the worry, even less sleep and that isn't even thinking about the financial strain!

    I think a husband that would be this way is being more than a little unreasonable, there is no reason for any women to get pregnant in this day and age but in saying that ...your friend didn't do it all by herself!

    I think ultimately it's going to be her decision, if the husband doesn't leave I would strongly advise marriage councelling, what he is doing is surely classed as mental abuse?  It's not healthy to have such a dominant partner, marriage is supposed to be an equal partnership between two people, not one too scared to speak up for fear of the other leaving ....or worse!

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