
I know sponsors are what drive Yahoo groups, but please tell me how I can be assigned different ones.?

by  |  earlier

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I know sponsors are necessary on the yahoo groups page, but I HATE mine and they reflect a really poor image on my site. They are pornographic and offensive and make it hard for me to invite new members to our page with those kind of sponsors on them. It's embarrassing. Please let me know how I can be assigned different sponsors.

Thanks in advance.




  1. What are Sponsor Results?

    Sponsor Results are paid listings provided by Yahoo! They’re what keep the service free to all users.

    Sponsor Results should be relevant to the group you’re viewing. For example, members of a tennis group might see tennis-related sponsored results on that group's pages.

    Groups sponsored listings are targeted to the category of the group, not the content on the page or message you’re viewing. The intent is ads that are often highly relevant to your group, but also respectful of your privacy.

    However, this is an automated system and sometimes it makes mistakes. So if you see an inappropriate or objectionable ad appearing in one of your groups and want it removed, please complete this form to let us know.

    Sponsored Results occupy a separate section on Groups pages, under the title "Sponsor Results," so you can tell them apart from other Group content.

    How can I report inappropriate "sponsored listings"?

    Yes. If there are specific listings which you believe are inappropriate and should be removed from your group emails or web site, click here to report them:

  2. you'd probably want to take a look at what your category is set at. generally those type ads are on the category adult groups. if your group is not to be set at adult, many are being switched by a bot glitch. you can use this form for 2 things

    1) I don't think you can request ad types, but you can try

    2) if your group category switched to adult, only yahoo can reset it- send the form and include the category it should be in, they'll switch in in 24 hrs

    Help form

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