
I know thar there is no logic behind my eating disorder, but i do it anyway.?

by  |  earlier

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With mt thearpist yesterday, we were talking about ways to think about my eating disorder (bulimia) in a "rational" way.

We came to the conclusion that i put my body through h**l, and get nothing out of it.

Yet, i already knew that..

But every time i try to be 'healthy', i just slip back into binging and purging.

I dont know what to do




  1. I'm not bulimic but I see a therapist for other things. Sometimes I will slip into my old behaviors too, but luckily, the worst of them havent come back( even though I have to repress some memories:(). The best thing to do is keep working with your therapist, and when you find that you are slipping into old habits, try to find something new to get your mind heading in a new direction. It seems to work for me.  

  2. i admit, i have my own problems, but since an eating disorder is one of them which i am trying to 'recover' from, i just wanted to give you a website that i've gone to that has answers to questions submitted by people suffering from ED's.  it's helpful to know the truth about situations and their answers are, to me, driven in the right direction.  and because i think the fear factor of actually dying has been one for me, and since death can come unexpectedly from ED's, it is better to be informed.  

    i would share some hope with you if i could.  could you be encouraged to look at this web site:  ?  i encourage you to and think it may help.  

    take care

  3. How about this. Sorry to be so blunt but your therapist put it mildly. If you continue to binge and purge, pretty soon your stomach will not keep down any food and you will automatically throw everything up without trying. People die from this, and when you think about doing this you should think about yourself in a casket, with your family around crying because they couldn't help you anymore. Maybe that thought will help you to stop. I know it's hard to stop, but if you slip into healthy eating patterns, you can do it girl, and continue to do it forever. For yourself, for your own life! Good Luck.

  4. First of all, think about what bulimia is doing to your body.  Here's an article that explains some things.  It relates to the case of Terri Schiavo:

    Terri Schiavo's story is a very sad one.  I'm sure you've heard of her.  

    I know it's hard to stop.  I was there for about 6 years during my teens.  My mother found out and taped notes inside the kitchen cabinets begging me to stop.  It was hard to relearn how to eat.  It was also hard not to go to the bathroom after I ate.  What helped was talking to friends about it...just a few very close friends.  It also helped to feel guilty.  I began by eating things that I knew wouldn't make me gain too much weight.  I ate very little bread and no sweets at all.  I kept myself busy with friends and family.  It's harder to control when you're alone, but that's when the guilt can help.  Eventually, the urge went away.  It also helps to work on your self-esteem.  Get some new clothes, visit a hair stylist, try some new make-up...whatever you're into.  Just pamper yourself and learn to think good thoughts when you look in the mirror.  Look around at other people too.  Nobody is perfect.  Think of all the extra time you will have for the things you love to do instead of sneaking around.  Focus on those, art, reading...whatever yours are.  I hope I've helped you.  I know it's very hard, but keep trying and it will go away.  

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