
I know that I am supposed to be a dutiful daughter but I can't take it any more.... HELP?

by Guest61628  |  earlier

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My parents should have never been married. Now they are falling apart. I and my husband are the only ones to deal with this. What am I to do?




  1. Just let them fall apart.  Being a dutiful daughter does not include letting them make you crazy.  They are adults  do not let them interfere with you life.  dutiful daughter means helping them if they are sick, speaking with them on the phone, letting them know that you appreciate them raising you and the sacrifices they made. It doesn't mean having to deal with their marital woes

  2. Now would be a good time for you to take a breather. Remember they are getting older and sometimes it's best to call in some re enforcments are they in a senior living facility? If not it's possible you may need to check into that option. To take care of one's parents in later years is terribly stressful on your own marriage and you don't want that kind of stress making you fall apart. If they hate each other it may be that they have resentment towards each other that you were never aware of , not to mention the fact that people with Alzheimer's can act completely the opposite as they did when they weren't afflicted with it. They are probably frustrated that they can't take care of themselves anymore. Your parents may need some space from each other it's not a bad thing to give them that. Good Luck  

  3. You have a husband, meaning you're already out of the house?  Once you're out of the house and have a life of your own, it's hard to keep the parentals together (I know I'm the only reason my parents are together.  Once I'm gone they're done).  Let them handle it, they're grown adults.

  4. you have a husband and he is your commitment.  you cannot be there as a caregiver to both aging parents.  there are professionals qualified to handle these matters and illnesses.  i suggest looking into quality nursing homes for  both.  the stress' of taking on the  responsibility of caregiver can spell doom for your marriage, as well as wear you down. allow others to care for your parents and you can visit them whenever you like.

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