
I know that guys prefer long hair on girls but.. ?

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would you still go out with/date a girl with short hair?




  1. who said guys prefer long hair? you should date a guy that would date you no matter what

  2. Awww.[:

  3. yes, my gf has long hair, but if she cut it that would be fine by me. its good to be original

  4. Yes, I much prefer a girl who shaves.

  5. I'm not fussed, if the girl has a good personality, I'm interested

  6. lmao course they would!!

    do you really think

    only girls with long hair are prefered??

    naaaah dont be silly lol

  7. that is actually no true... cos boffins in a lab have came to the conclusion that tying up your hair (or having it short) lets the guys c ur neck an d2 them it is s**y...they don't really know they think it is but subconsciously :)

  8. OMG this one's easy...

    my hair is about 2 feet long, it's black, and everyone says it's shiny.

    my best friend has short blonde curly hair

    we have as different hair as can be, but frankly, guys like us equally.

    I'm sure your a very lovable person, I don't know why any guy wouldn't want to date you!

    be you , and if you act like yourself... everyone will love you!


  9. You're probably right to a certain extent and I have to admit being guilty. That alone doesn't count as it is the person at the end of the day and there are some really fit looking ladies with short hair.

  10. I like short hair... but not when it's just cut short like a boys. It's gotta be stylish. Avoid the buzz cut... that's the worst haircut a girl can get.

  11. I've got this crazy suggestion.. Just let your hair grow if it bothers you that much! I have long hair but i think the majority have short hair that i work with. This kinda surprises me a bit. I think when you are young(twenties anyway) that it's nice to have your hair long. Older women mainly keep it short.

    I think in the majority of cases long hair is sexier. Yet there are celebs out there like say Winona Ryder who have always keep it short and i don't really get it to be honest.  Oh and on the revealing neck thing... That might be true but you can tie long hair up and show your neck off aswell and then it can be let down at the end of the day...

  12. I know I'm not a guy but I just wanted to tell u that they WOULD. I've seen so many guys going out with girls with short hair! Yeah, they prefer long hair on girls but I'm sure it's alright. ^-^

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