
I know that in the 2006-2007 fiscal year it cost $52.90 a day to house a prisoner in a Florida state prison.?

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I need to figure out how this money is being spent on each prisoner. For example, food, healthcare, rehabilitation, etc.




  1. Here's a start:

    Average cost of meals: $2.40 per meal (between $4.80 and $7.20 a day) Not all facilities feed three times a day, some feed only two.

    Average cost of utilities: Divide the total estimated usage by the number of inmates per unit.

    Average cost of health care: $0.00 (most inmates do not utilize health care at all).

    Average cost of clothing: $0.00 (clothes are manufactured by inmates in prison industries and are largely self-sufficient).

    Cost of cable/satellite TV service: $0.00 (paid for by inmates from funds collected from store profits and excesses).

    Cost of recreational equipment: $0.00 (paid for by inmates from funds collected from store profits and excesses).

    Employee payroll and general corruption: $45.70 (low figure) per inmate per day.

  2. Look at how much the state allocates for prisons and then divide by the number of prisoners in the state.  Thats the easiest way to find out.

  3. All you need to know is too much. Most of them deserve to be executed.

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