
I know that marijuana is effective when treating epilepsy but..?

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does it work on all kinds of seizures...

thx =]




  1. Well theres only 1 way to find out.

  2. i would say any seizure that standard epileptic medication would prevent would be preventable by medical marijuana.

    "Marijuana is not considered useful for treating petit mal or absence seizures and may even worsen them."

    but i don't know as much about anti-convulsant medication and am unsure if the same is true for the pills.  

  3. You say this like it's common knowledge.  I am a psych/addiction nurse and frankly I'm not anti-marijuana for certain things, but I've never heard of using it to prevent seizures.

    Please site your sources otherwise you have faulty information.


    PS: I'm taking about peer-reviewed, legitmate sources.

    ADDENDUM with regard to your sassy response...

    Obviously you don't know what a LEGITIMATE source is.  Your sources are no different than checking in with the Phillip Morris company for facts on smoking, or McDonald's on the benefits of fast food.

    Your sources are very biased and weak.

    Pub Med Central is a reliable source, researched, scientific, non-judgmental.. research done by scientists who are not so much interested in what we think of marijuana.

    Cannabis has been used to reduce nausea (such as cancer treatment related) increase appetite...such as in HIV, cancer, pts. etc. through proven clinical trials. The relationship between seizure control and marijuana is ancient, but not really proven to be reliable. Smoking it does not allow a person to control the "dosage" and also has detrimental side effects in if used consistently in that manner.  

    If it were truly a proven remedy for epilepsy, it would be getting as much attention from the medical community as it has for the other uses.  

    Don't be sassy, be educated.  Good luck with that.

  4. I highly doubt it's possible, much less safe, to be toking a spliff while you're having a seizure...

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