
I know that my shadow follows me?, but who follows its shadow?

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I know that my shadow follows me?, but who follows its shadow?




  1. Lamont Cranston.

  2. The Government

  3. Your shadow follows you, and the light follows your shadow. In fact, the light doesn't just follow your shadow, it captures your shadow and constrains it for you to see. It keeps the evil in your shadow contained, for when you are in the darkness; your shadow takes over and covers everything... and there it remains, until the light triumphantly returns.

    We take the light for granted, but without it... just about everything we know would wither and die... and life would cease to exist... like a nuclear winter.

  4. Shadows are preceded by a shape that is congruous to theirs.

  5. someone who walks with their back to the sun.

  6. shadow of Ababa Bikilee following shadow of shadow from Timbuktoo. Do not waste time asking stupid question.

  7. light

  8. Bear in the Big Blue House......Where 0, where 0, where O, where is shadow?

    Where can shadow be.

  9. Shadow govt. in Britain.

  10. is this a metaphor of some kind?

    hmmmmm, now im gonna be thinking about this all night.

  11. the person who has the sun at his back!

  12. Peter Pan

  13. Only the shadow knows.

  14. the shadowowowow.

  15. Good Question

  16. Your soul??? LOL . ...jk....i don't know.

  17. The shadow is no leader, it is a follower so nothing follows it.

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