
I know that ozzie gullian is the 1st hispanic manger to win a world series, but is he also the 1st foreigner?

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I know that ozzie gullian is the 1st hispanic manger to win a world series, but is he also the 1st foreigner?




  1. ^^^^^isnt filipe alou hispanic???? not sure my guess woud be yes

    EDIT: i didnt say he won a world series i actually said the opposite so don't thumbs down me!!!!!!!!!! = (

  2. Good Question.

    Did Filipe Alou win one? I can't remember...

    Eh, good point.

    Hey David, I asked if he did. I didnt say he did.  Not too bright, are ya?

    Hey genius, you said "these people", that's plural.  As in more than one. And since only 2 people answered, you were talking about me as well.  Either that, or you haven't fully grasped the English language. Bet you feel like a big man with all the cursing, too. I see you've grasped that part of the language.  Way to go.

  3. I did a quick check and I think you're right.  Guillen was the first foreign born World Series winning manager.

    And exactly when do these other people think Felipe Alou won a World Series?  He didn't.

    Uh, was talking about the other guy.  Don't be a dipsh!t.  And how hard is it to figure out if he did?  Who did and does he manage?  Did they ever win?  Gee, that was so f'ing hard to figure out.  It's called "yahoo ANSWERS".  Not "Yahoo, answer a question with a question".

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