
I know that there are questions like these...?

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All I'd like is a "yes" or "no." Two easy points. Do you think global warming is real?




  1. NO!!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. no.

    I don't believe in man made global warming.  I do believe the earth is getting warmer though.  It's been doing that since we came out of the last ice age.  It's a completely natual thing.

  3. yes...

    i hope im dead before it happens

  4. Sorry to say, but yes.

    Unfortunately we are the whole cause of global warming. Global warming is because of fumes from our enviroment rising into the air and causing the hole in the ozone layer to expand. This is bad because the ozone layer is the bit that protects us from the sun.

  5. no

  6. yeah unfortanatly

  7. Global warming, yes.

    Manmade global warming, not so much.

  8. I'm not trying to sound all religious but.

    In the bible it says that there shouldn't Be another flood and that's what I go by. (My mom told me)

    And there's nothing to worry about even if it is true because we will probably be dead when it happends.

    So Ide say yes and no.

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