
I know that they say it but is it true?

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Does everyone really have problems with their inlaws..if you do what are you problems?




  1. For the most part, my future in-laws are good people. They don't have any horrible habits, they aren't immoral and they are very supportive of our relationship. They are loyal Catholics, with good morals and they are generally nice people to be around.

    However, like everyone, they do things that annoy me.  They might be too involved in our business, or say something I don't agree with.  But, no one is perfect.  So, I have learned to let the small stuff slide.  

    When you think about it, sometimes our very own parents annoy and bother us and they were the people who raised us.  So, when we have in-laws, it's like having a second set of parents who didn't raise us to deal with.   Like our own parents, we take the good with the bad and respect them.  They are family after all!!!

  2. I dont have any problems at all.  In fact I get along better with my future mother-in-law than I do with my own mom.

  3. My first mil was mean to all of us.  (she had 7 sons so 7 daughter in laws)  At least she was consistant.  She gave me two compliments in my 18 years married to her son. One was that I made potato salad just like her , the second was that my daughter was the most beautiful grandchild she had.  That was a major compliment considering she had 6 other daughter in laws and 3 daughters of her own.

    My second husbands family are ok but they excluded my children from all functions since the day I started dating him so I don't go to his family functions anymore.  I get along great with mil but not his sisters and brother.  We don't fight we just never see each other.  Which is fine with me.

    Hubby is wonderful and that is all that matters.  

  4. Yes I have a son from a past relationship and my mothe in law doesnt treat him like her own grandchild

  5. Yes, I have problems with my in-laws! Well mostly my mother in law. She's basicaly planning my whole wedding and does things being my back like booked an orchestra to play at the church when I had already picked a friend to sing....or Pick my bridemaids dresses without me even being there to witness what they look like. She also says that this is "OUR" wedding...(yah gotta love that) I also just gave birth on the 11th of july so now she's overbearing telling me how to dress her, what to feed her, when she should sleep and ( i love this) where she should go to school!!! She's 3 weeks old. She's constantly judging me, and never respects what I have to say. I also asked for his parents or anyone for that matter to call before comming over, and they never do....and they usually show up at like 8am! Its frustrating!!!!

  6. I dont have any probs with my future father in law. In fact, he came today and took me to lunch. He told his son he wished that his son had met me first instead of his ex wife! As for the future mother in law, she loves me too but she has probs of her own so it can be a bit hard to be around her at times but either way its all about compromise...  

  7. It seems it's often the woman who has problems.  I think it's because the woman takes away the son (generally most people I know are closer to the woman's family than the husband's).  I'm experiencing tension between me and my in laws, and we've been married since April.  It was okay before then, but after the wedding (and even a little while before) it's just been stressful.  It's like all of a sudden they don't like me and I honestly have no idea why...

  8. They leave me out of everything.  I never feel like I'm part of the family....ever!

  9. No, not everyone does. I love mine, and so do all my siblings love theirs!

    I think it's just that the complainers are louder...

  10. No, its not always true.  Everyone has different relationships with their in-laws.  You just have to make it what you want it to be.  If you want to have a good relationship, you have to cultivate it.  Just like with friendships, just like your relationship with your fiance, just like your relationship with your parents.  If you expect it to be bad, it will be.  If you expect it to be great, it will be.

    Good Luck.

  11. hmmmm

    yes in a way

    but, its not always major

    you and you FH are starting life as a new family

    your family have their ways, and his family have theirs

    seldom are they the same

    there is bound to be differences, how major is anyone guess

    so long as you assert yourself as being his wife, his family etc from here on in, you should be just fine

    good luck

  12. My brother-in-law, his wife, and my mother-in-law thrive on drama 'cause it gets them attention.  Within every 3 months, my BIL & SIL will break up or reconcile.  Every time they've split up, my MIL will talk them into getting back together.  This is their 5th time as a couple.  My FIL has a bad heart.  All this drama can't be good for him.  My husband and I are scared that he will end up going to the hospital again soon because of our SIL and her man (my husband no longer claims his brother).

  13. Its not true.

    Every person is different.

    I get along great with my future father-in-law.  He even sends me chocolates every Valentine's Day and on my Birthday.  I also get along with my future mother-in-law although she's in another state so we don't see her often.  She e-mails me and tells me how happy she is that her son found me and that she can sleep at night knowing I'm there to take care of him.  My future stepfather-in-law likes me, too.

    I know my mom & fiance get along just great.  I know she has some habits he's not crazy about, but even I have habits he's not totally happy about and that falls under the area of life and relationships called 'compromise'

  14. My dad's parents aren't around any more so I can't say the same for my mom, but my father gets along just fine with my grandma on my mom's side-- and she lives with them! So I'd have to say not always true.

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