
I know the coast guard and marines say oorah and the army says hooah but what does the navy and air force say?

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military sayings




  1. Navy and Air Force traditionally use the call "Hoo-yah."  

  2. They say,

    Dude!  where are we?

  3. the coast guard shouldent say oorah because they are not military any longer (they are now homeland security) the Air Force says hooah and im pretty sure the navy does too

  4. they don't need a saying.  the navy and the airforce are so exponentially Bad *** that to have some kind of cool saying would just make them look like greedy bit ches and they couldn't possibly allow that now could they.

  5. Navy - Uno Mas Cerveza Por Favor

  6. In the Navy, we say: "Is it beer time yet"?

  7. Navy: "Hello, Sailor!"

    Air Force: "What do you mean, 'We misplaced a few nuclear warheads?'"

  8. real cats don't say any of that S**t

  9. "Hey! Where is my air conditioning????"


    "Wow, it must suck to sleep in the mud. Glad I didn't join the Army or Marines!"

  10. "Where's the Country Club?"

    I'm ex-Army...I can say that.  ;)

  11. The Navy says where are the hot women.  The Air Force say where are the s**y boys.

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